November 12, 2021


This week I focused on finishing the replacement of the _d_arrayctor hook with a template.
After receiving the advice to void-initialise the array created by _d_arrayctor, I changed its signature so that lowerings to it now make use of its return value, via this PR.

The reasoning behind this change was outlined in this forum post. Long story short, _d_arrayctor was and still is strongly pure. Because expressions such as T[4] a = b were lowered to _d_arrayctor(a[], b[]), this meant that the lowering was a call to a strongly pure function whose return value was ignored. This made the compiler issue some warnings, while also running the risk of having the compiler remove the call to _d_arrayctor altogether.

Next, I changed the aforementioned lowering to a = _d_arrayctor(!typeof(a))(b[]).
This worked, except for this test, where I noticed that the compiler inserts a catch block at the end of _d_arrayctor. This block catches the exception thrown here, calls __ArrayDtor(to) and then re-throws the exception. But the first elements of the array have already been destroyed by _d_arrayctor itself.
This creates something like a double free error. In addition, __ArrayDtor calls the destructor of each element, including the final ones, which have not been initialised.
I am currently looking for ways to remove this final catch block without negatively impacting use cases when this block really is needed.
