August 19

Today I've tried to use Windows API once again and encountered very time consuming case.
It's been a long time since the last time I used Windows API.

This time I've had an idea that it would be interesting to get thread associated username using Windows API. So after some time while trying to come up with something that might seemingly work. I've encountered this error:


C:\Users\Windows10\Desktop\interpreter>dmd WindowsGetUserName.d
lld-link: error: undefined symbol: GetUserNameA
>>> referenced by WindowsGetUserName.obj:(_Dmain)
Error: linker exited with status 1

The Code

import std.stdio;
import std.conv;
void main() {
    char[256] userName; // Buffer to store the user name

    DWORD userNameSize = userName.length; // Size of the buffer

    // Call GetUserName to retrieve the user name
    if (GetUserNameA(userName.ptr, &userNameSize)) {
        // Successfully retrieved the user name
        writeln("Logged-in user name: ", to!string(userName[0 .. userNameSize]));
    } else {
        // Failed to retrieve the user name
        int error = GetLastError();
        writeln("GetUserName failed with error code: ", error);

1. Solution

Remember to link advapi32.lib

  • dmd WindowsGetUserName.d -Ladvapi32.lib
  • rdmd -Ladvapi32.lib WindowsGetUserName.d

2. Solution

Remember to include pragma into your source code and specify advapi32.lib

import std.stdio;
import std.conv;

pragma(lib, "advapi32.lib");

void main() {
    char[256] userName; // Buffer to store the user name

    DWORD userNameSize = userName.length; // Size of the buffer

    // Call GetUserName to retrieve the user name
    if (GetUserNameA(userName.ptr, &userNameSize)) {
        // Successfully retrieved the user name
        writeln("Logged-in user name: ", to!string(userName[0 .. userNameSize]));
    } else {
        // Failed to retrieve the user name
        int error = GetLastError();
        writeln("GetUserName failed with error code: ", error);