On Monday, 6 January 2025 at 12:12:30 UTC, Nick Treleaven wrote:
> On Sunday, 5 January 2025 at 07:48:38 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:
> > Why do you need an anonymous struct type there? Naming it and using the struct name for inner
isn't difficult, and it doesn't seem needed that often.
It's same story with tagged union, tuples, .enum, if you don't see them as improvements, there is nothing to argue about, try to use a language that supports them all, and you'll realize that it's like stepping up and upgrading your toolbox
You were asking for anonymous structs, yet tuple syntax is already planned (and std Tuple is usable today). It's not good design to have both in the language. If a tuple is too concise for a use-case (e.g. you want to ddoc the fields), then use a named struct.
Too much language complexity has costs in tooling, learning, error messages, etc.
there is none of that in the language Today, if listening to you, then let's stop all the DIPs and discussions about improving the language
i think there is a bias coming from you here, you don't see any of that as an improvement for Yourself, therefore you turn them down automatically without any valid arguments
and by valid i meant something that is not "it adds code to DMD"
besides, i'm not asking for any new feature here, just an improvement to anonymous struct, wich is already an existing concept in D
if i were to ask for @safe, sure, @super_safe, sure sure, placement new? obviously, new feature, but i am not
so let's discuss, on the merit of trying to improve things and make them nicer to use, using critical thinking, and by avoiding personal bias
Spring is next, let's dust the elephant, editions are coming.. better prepare, or, it's gonna "add too much code to DMD"?