On Wednesday, 15 December 2021 at 12:36:49 UTC, evilrat wrote:
>You probably know this but just in case - unlike C++ in D variables by default have thread local storage, to link with C++ global variable you need to use __gshared storage modifier in D, it is similar to 'shared' variable that unlike 'shared' tells the compiler "I know how to synchronize it myself".
module a;
struct Foo {}
__gshared Foo globalFoo;
Yeah, did that. As I said the mangled name that DMD chose is correct.
As I was told linking against functions in DLLs works perfectly, because it is identical to static linking. Linking against global/static variables supposedly differs and that's not handled correctly for DLLs. As I said, I talked to someone who worked on fixing lots of those issues a while ago and he immediately knew about this limitation.