Thread overview
[Issue 12768] @nogc algorithm.splitter
Mar 27, 2018
Dec 25, 2019
[Issue 12768] Trivial uses of `std.algorithm.iteration : splitter` should be `@nogc`
Sep 15, 2021
Mathias LANG
Sep 15, 2021
Mathias LANG
Dec 17, 2022
Iain Buclaw
May 20, 2014

--- Comment #1 from ---
The problem is not immediate to solve.

You can fix splitter allocating the RangeError statically:

auto splitter(C)(C[] s) if (isSomeChar!C) {
    static struct Result {
        import core.exception;
        C[] _s;
        size_t _frontLength;
        static err = new immutable(RangeError)();

        void getFirst() pure @safe @nogc {
            auto r = find!(isWhite)(_s);
            _frontLength = _s.length - r.length;

        this(C[] s) pure @safe @nogc {
            import std.string: strip;
            _s = s.strip();

        @property C[] front() pure @safe @nogc {
            version(assert) if (empty) throw err;
            return _s[0 .. _frontLength];

        void popFront() pure @safe @nogc {
            import std.string: stripLeft;
            version(assert) if (empty) throw err;
            _s = _s[_frontLength .. $].stripLeft();

        @property bool empty() const @safe pure nothrow @nogc {
            return _s.empty;

        @property inout(Result) save() inout @safe pure nothrow @nogc {
            return this;

    return Result(s);

but std.utf.isWhite is not @nogc. You can fix it:

bool isWhiteGen(dchar ch) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
    if(ch < 133)
        if(ch < 9) return false;
        if(ch < 14) return true;
        if(ch == 32) return true;
        return false;
    else if (ch < 134) return true;
        if(ch < 8232)
            if(ch < 5760)
                if(ch == 160) return true;
                return false;
            else if (ch < 5761) return true;
                if(ch < 8192) return false;
                if(ch < 8203) return true;
                return false;
        else if (ch < 8234) return true;
            if(ch < 8287)
                if(ch == 8239) return true;
                return false;
            else if (ch < 8288) return true;
                if(ch == 12288) return true;
                return false;

public bool isWhite(dchar c) @safe pure @nogc nothrow {
    return isWhiteGen(c); // call pregenerated binary search

But now it's std.algorithm.find that is not @nogc. With few experiments you see that std.algorithm.find is not pure only with strings, so what's to blame is std.utf.decode:

dchar decode(S)(auto ref S str, ref size_t index) @trusted pure @nogc
    if (isSomeString!S)
    assert(index < str.length, "Attempted to decode past the end of a string");
out (result)
    if (str[index] < codeUnitLimit!S)
        return str[index++];
    return decodeImpl!true(str, index);

codeUnitLimit is OK, and fixing isValidDchar is easy, just add @nogc:

bool isValidDchar(dchar c) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
    /* Note: FFFE and FFFF are specifically permitted by the
     * Unicode standard for application internal use, but are not
     * allowed for interchange.
     * (thanks to Arcane Jill)

    return c < 0xD800 ||
          (c > 0xDFFF && c <= 0x10FFFF /*&& c != 0xFFFE && c != 0xFFFF*/);

But fixing decodeImpl is less easy.

It contains three functions. The case where canIndex is false are easy to handle, just allocate the UTFException as static immutables. When canIndex is true the function exception() is less easy to make @nogc:

    static if (canIndex)
        static UTFException exception(S)(S str, string msg)
            uint[4] sequence = void;
            size_t i;

                sequence[i] = str[i];
            } while (++i < str.length && i < 4 && (str[i] & 0xC0) == 0x80);

            return new UTFException(msg, i).setSequence(sequence[0 .. i]);

    UTFException invalidUTF()
        static if (canIndex)
           return exception(pstr[0 .. length], "Invalid UTF-8 sequence");
            //We can't include the invalid sequence with input strings without
            //saving each of the code units along the way, and we can't do it
            //forward ranges without saving the entire range. Both would incur
            //cost for the decoding of every character just to provide a better
            //error message for the (hopefully) rare case when an invalid UTF-8
            //sequence is encountered, so we don't bother trying to include the
            //invalid sequence here, unlike with strings and sliceable ranges.
           return new UTFException("Invalid UTF-8 sequence");

    UTFException ()
        static if (canIndex)
           return exception(pstr[0 .. length], "Attempted to decode past the
end of a string");
           return new UTFException("Attempted to decode past the end of a

UTFException.setSequence is easy to annotate as @nogc, this allows invalidUTF and outOfBounds to be tagged @nogc as long as exception() is @nogc:

    @safe pure nothrow @nogc
    UTFException setSequence(uint[] data...) {
        import std.algorithm;

        assert(data.length <= 4);

        len = min(data.length, 4);
        sequence[0 .. len] = data[0 .. len];

        return this;

But exception() contains this allocation:

return new UTFException(msg, i).setSequence(sequence[0 .. i]);

And UTFException contains:

class UTFException : Exception
    uint[4] sequence;
    size_t  len;

    @safe pure
    this(string msg, size_t index, string file = __FILE__, size_t line =
__LINE__, Throwable next = null) {
        import std.string;
        super(msg ~ format(" (at index %s)", index), file, line, next);

So decodeImpl (and consequently std.utf.decode and then find and then splitter) can't be @nogc because it is able to give handy error messages with index like this:

temp3.UTFException@temp3.d(120): Invalid UTF-8 sequence (at index 2)

The error message can be created filling a local fixed-size array:

uint writeNumber(char[] buf, ulong n) nothrow pure @safe @nogc {
    char[30] aux; // A ulong can't be more than 20 digits long.
    auto pos = aux.length - 1;

    if (n == 0) {
        aux[pos] = '0';
    } else {
        while (n) {
            aux[pos] = (n % 10) + '0';
            n /= 10;

    immutable len = aux.length - pos - 1;
    buf[0 .. len] = aux[pos + 1 .. $];
    return len;
void main() nothrow pure @safe @nogc {
    static immutable msg = "Invalid UTF-8 sequence (at index ";
    char[msg.length + 30] buffer;
    buffer[0 .. msg.length] = msg[];
    auto index = ulong.max; // Biggest index.
    immutable len = writeNumber(buffer[msg.length .. $], index);
    buffer[msg.length + len] = ')';
    auto result = buffer[0 .. msg.length + len + 1];
    assert(result == "Invalid UTF-8 sequence (at index 18446744073709551615)");

The problem are the calls to super() of Exception, that are not @nogc and Exception isn't a template so @nogc can't be inferred.

May 20, 2014 changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |

--- Comment #2 from ---
(In reply to bearophile_hugs from comment #1)
> The problem is not immediate to solve.
> You can fix splitter allocating the RangeError statically:
> auto splitter(C)(C[] s) if (isSomeChar!C) {
>     static struct Result {
>     private:
>         import core.exception;
>         C[] _s;
>         size_t _frontLength;
>         static err = new immutable(RangeError)();

I'm surprised this works. If the exception is Immutable, then how can we chain it? If we catch "Exception", then we are making something immutable mutable. If we mutate the exception, then not only do we break the type system, but it also means the code isn't actually pure:

void foo() pure
    static err = new immutable(RangeError)("error");
    throw err;

void main()
    catch(Error e)
        e.msg = "yo!";

    foo(); //core.exception.RangeError@main.d(7): yo!

If allocating a new typed error is a problem, I think it would be better to just fallback to normal asserts: These work in @nogc.

July 27, 2014

--- Comment #3 from ---
In DMD 2.066beta5 std.utf.decode and std.algorithm: splitter are still @nogc, while std.utf.isValidDchar and std.uni.isWhite are now @nogc. I think the main problems now are caused by the exceptions and errors.

March 27, 2018

Seb <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |

--- Comment #4 from Seb <> ---
> I think the main problems now are caused by the exceptions and errors.

Even with -dip1008 it still isn't @nogc:

December 25, 2019

berni44 <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |
                 OS|Windows                     |All

September 15, 2021

Mathias LANG <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
           Keywords|                            |industry
                 CC|                            |
            Summary|@nogc algorithm.splitter    |Trivial uses of
                   |                            |`std.algorithm.iteration :
                   |                            |splitter` should be `@nogc`

September 15, 2021

--- Comment #5 from Mathias LANG <> ---
It's been 7 years, but I confirm it's still not `@nogc`:
import std.algorithm;

void main () @nogc
    auto rng = "Hello.Dear.World".splitter('.');
    assert(rng.front == "Hello"); // Error here

December 17, 2022

Iain Buclaw <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
           Priority|P1                          |P4
