September 26, 2011
Actually now that I think about it, isOneOf!() is more to my liking. isImplicitlyConvertible allows too much, e.g. implicit casting of unsigned to signed. Even though that might be perfectly valid, I want to optionally allow a warning via a version switch. So I'll be using isOneOf.
September 26, 2011
On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 21:40, Andrej Mitrovic <> wrote:
> Actually now that I think about it, isOneOf!() is more to my liking. isImplicitlyConvertible allows too much, e.g. implicit casting of unsigned to signed. Even though that might be perfectly valid, I want to optionally allow a warning via a version switch. So I'll be using isOneOf.

In any case, concerning your initial question, a possibility is to curry the template:

template isCompatible(T)
   enum isCompatible = allSatisfy!(isIC!T, MyTypes);

template isIC(First)
    template isIC(Second)
        enum isIC = isImplicitlyConvertible!(First, Second);

So, isIC!T yields *another* template (also named isIC), that will accept one type and be mapped on MyTypes by allSatisfy. What's cool is that the second-level template remembers First. It's a bit like a closure, but on types.