21 hours ago

On Tuesday, 15 October 2024 at 10:47:33 UTC, Max Samukha wrote:


On Tuesday, 15 October 2024 at 10:20:54 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:


the world is begging for people to go back to C,

A small number of loud gamedevs is not the world. Also, some of them first butcher every "complex and unnecessary" feature like namespaces or type-based overloading and then have to make excuses as in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2B_izyma58.

they are valid "excuses", have you read the endless move constructor thread? this kind of things causes bikeshedding, eating away time and effort that would be more useful elsewhere

impactful change fro example: tuple and tagged union

It's not just gamedevs, it's also the embedded world and AI/ML

Indians are embracing C as well, perhaps because of a shift in the industry? or the above, perhaps both ;)

21 hours ago

On Tuesday, 15 October 2024 at 10:20:54 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:


This is an area D foundation keeps ignoring (on top of ignoring DIPs for years, cough tuples)

We aren't ignoring any DIPs. I've told you this before. The tuple DIP hasn't yet been submitted.

20 hours ago
On Tuesday, 15 October 2024 at 09:07:12 UTC, Manu wrote:
> Is there actually anyone here who develops on Windows?

I work on windows, but I use suckless approach, IDE isn't necessary for that. If I wanted to write a bloatware, I would probably use C#, but KISS works wonders for C# too, I do it.
16 hours ago

On Tuesday, 15 October 2024 at 09:07:12 UTC, Manu wrote:


So, since I've been off the wagon for a couple of years; VisualD, which
used to be ROCK SOLID seems to have suffered major regressions in almost
every aspect of its functionality.
I think it's largely related to dmd-as-a-lib now being the foundation for a
lot of tooling, and it's just criminally unstable...

Rainer used to maintain his own semantic analyser used for formatting,
auto-complete and suggestions, code navigation, and debugging; it worked
beautifully! But a couple years back, VisualD was switched to use DMD
frontend for those duties, and it barely works anymore.
The old bespoke code is still available, but it's so out of date with the
modern language that it's not usable anymore.

...to make this worse; Rainer has effectively checked-out too. We've lost another one of our finest.

This is a general category of problem that's been an issue for a long time; having unfunded one-man efforts maintain essential infrastructure. I wonder if there are any opportunities available to do a lot better here. Does the dlang foundation have any budget for critical infrastructure? And/or anyone that would even consider working on the boring but essential stuff?

Is there actually anyone here who develops on Windows? I don't understand how it could have regressed so far, unless it's just that nobody is using it.

I now recognise a really major conundrum; I've recently returned to D to
start a company with a greenfields project. VisualD failing is essentially
terminal. I'm not sure what to do.
I don't have time available to try and pick up the project and work it
myself, but the current state is really pushing at the border of forcing me
to completely rewrite all my code in C++ on account of ecosystem

Ideally, we really need to be properly funding development for critical infrastructure... but I'm not sure we've ever had a sufficient budget to maintain that sort of commitment.

What specific problems are you hitting? I don't write much D anymore (or do really any hobby programming, really), but I did recently dust off one of my old projects and get it compiling again with the latest dmd. I'm on Windows 11 and using Visual Studio with Visual D, and besides it not recognizing some stuff like the shortened method syntax, I haven't really noticed any issues.

16 hours ago
On Wed, 16 Oct 2024, 01:51 Meta via Digitalmars-d, < digitalmars-d@puremagic.com> wrote:

> On Tuesday, 15 October 2024 at 09:07:12 UTC, Manu wrote:
> > So, since I've been off the wagon for a couple of years;
> > VisualD, which
> > used to be ROCK SOLID seems to have suffered major regressions
> > in almost
> > every aspect of its functionality.
> > I think it's largely related to dmd-as-a-lib now being the
> > foundation for a
> > lot of tooling, and it's just criminally unstable...
> >
> > Rainer used to maintain his own semantic analyser used for
> > formatting,
> > auto-complete and suggestions, code navigation, and debugging;
> > it worked
> > beautifully! But a couple years back, VisualD was switched to
> > use DMD
> > frontend for those duties, and it barely works anymore.
> > The old bespoke code is still available, but it's so out of
> > date with the
> > modern language that it's not usable anymore.
> >
> > ...to make this worse; Rainer has effectively checked-out too. We've lost another one of our finest.
> >
> > This is a general category of problem that's been an issue for a long time; having unfunded one-man efforts maintain essential infrastructure. I wonder if there are any opportunities available to do a lot better here. Does the dlang foundation have any budget for critical infrastructure? And/or anyone that would even consider working on the boring but essential stuff?
> >
> > Is there actually anyone here who develops on Windows? I don't understand how it could have regressed so far, unless it's just that nobody is using it.
> >
> > I now recognise a really major conundrum; I've recently
> > returned to D to
> > start a company with a greenfields project. VisualD failing is
> > essentially
> > terminal. I'm not sure what to do.
> > I don't have time available to try and pick up the project and
> > work it
> > myself, but the current state is really pushing at the border
> > of forcing me
> > to completely rewrite all my code in C++ on account of ecosystem
> > reliability.
> >
> > Ideally, we really need to be properly funding development for critical infrastructure... but I'm not sure we've ever had a sufficient budget to maintain that sort of commitment.
> What specific problems are you hitting? I don't write much D anymore (or do really *any* hobby programming, really), but I did recently dust off one of my old projects and get it compiling again with the latest dmd. I'm on Windows 11 and using Visual Studio with Visual D, and besides it not recognizing some stuff like the shortened method syntax, I haven't really noticed any issues.

Syntax highlighting takes 10s of seconds, sometimes minutes, and may never
Go-to definition for most symbols don't work.
Press '.' after an aggregate or an enum or whatever, the list that pops up
rarely if ever shows any appropriate members or completion suggestions.
Ctrl-space (complete what I'm typing) doesn't work anymore.

I think it's all related to the new DMD-based semantic analysis bailing out in various situations that I don't understand.

The debugger has significant problems to; important debug features that do essential stuff like show the string for a custom string type have been locking up under unpredictable circumstances.

It's all just very unstable and unreliable in general. Again I don't mean to criticise Rainer; it's been rock solid for the past decade, but the enormous scale of regressions since I was last actively using it really demonstrates we have extreme key-person risk with this stuff... and this is deal-breaker stuff. If Visual D doesn't work well, I will migrate my company to C++; there is no practical alternative.

I've spent 15+ years trying to see D move beyond a hobby/curiosity/toy, but this stuff shows we're not in good shape even after such a long time :/


12 hours ago
On Tuesday, 15 October 2024 at 16:25:37 UTC, Manu wrote:
> I've spent 15+ years trying to see D move beyond a hobby/curiosity/toy, but this stuff shows we're not in good shape even after such a long time :/

Have you been a d-doomer long or is this new?

8 hours ago
On Wed, 16 Oct 2024 at 06:26, monkyyy via Digitalmars-d < digitalmars-d@puremagic.com> wrote:

> On Tuesday, 15 October 2024 at 16:25:37 UTC, Manu wrote:
> >
> > I've spent 15+ years trying to see D move beyond a hobby/curiosity/toy, but this stuff shows we're not in good shape even after such a long time :/
> Have you been a d-doomer long or is this new?

"Doom"? I mean, you need to be realistic, and honest. Point to the
industrial users of D; they're still the same ones as 10 years ago. I
haven't identified new ones. Almost all the people at dconf are the same
I started a green-fields project in D recently; I thought this is great, it
doesn't need to bind with legacy, no C++ troubles, no awkward shim's or
build systems... my colleagues were enthusiastic about this direction, but
I had a conversation yesterday that started "are you sure this is the right
choice?"... because they have demonstrated to themselves in a very short
amount of time all the classic problems. They're not zealots; they're just
sensible and professional engineers, and trying to make sensible decisions
with respect to a business making technology commitments.

There's a certain amount of optimism that just can't sustain 16 years of
energy... and it's not like casual effort, I've spent at least 12 years
solidly working hard to get things into a workable shape. If that all goes
backward by a country mile when I look away for a hot minute; that's very
disheartening indeed.
So I guess the answer to your question is; yes, I approach D now with a
very different mood. It's changed from one of optimism to one of despair,
and I'm definitely in a last-hoorah mindset. There's some important
progress going on right now (which should have happened over a decade ago,
but I'll grant better late than never!), so that's encouraging, but
ancillary matters like extensive VisualD regressions are just something I
didn't expect, and/or have time or energy to deal with.

Threads like this are as old as the hills, and if we're not going to start
to take them seriously, then when? Maybe it's not that we're not taking
them seriously per-se, but nobody knows what to do. Rainer has been doing
god's work, but he's still just one guy, and he's doing other stuff right
now. He also has no obligation to make his time/energy available; and
of-course, you can say that about every person and every aspect of an open
source project like this, but to commit to that position is to send a clear
message that "D is not for industry". We've gotta do better than that
SOMEHOW; or else it's just as I say, this is a small community huddled
around a curiosity, a hobby; where just a couple of businesses with juuuust
the right set of contextual parameters have been able to make a sustained
commitment, but there's no broad path for growth... we've had way more than
enough time now to prove otherwise, but we haven't.
This isn't 'doom', it's just being realistic. As the champion of several
promising industrial efforts, over 3-4 companies (one with billion dollar
budgets), I still haven't been able to seal the deal. And now my own tiny
startup where I control literally everything... it still doesn't seem to be
possible to land. I guess that's on me; I'm a complete and comprehensive
failure! ...but I don't think that's entirely fair, because there's just no
comparable success stories that invalidate my experience. Find me some case
studies where a motivated individual tried to introduce D to their
organisation and were successful?

The ecosystem needs to recognise the key risk projects and strategically direct resources to them. Look at it from the perspective of a business considering a technology commitment; it's a time-bomb (as I've apparently discovered at the most un-timely moment possible)... what do we do to convince ourselves otherwise?

33 minutes ago

I fully understand your frustration.
IMHO what happened is VS Code just took the oxygen out of other tooling projects, as "no one" is using VisualStudio anymore.
At our company VisualStudio is now used only for C#, for all other stuff, everyone just moved on.
The core of D tooling is DCD and I must say I am impressed how well it works once it is correctly set up and it handles Code Complete and Go To Definition pretty consistently (for a language with templates and mixins).

The debugger is a thought one, as slow as VS debugger is, it is just a good user experience, but it feels like most of D development is not done under Windows.
I heard RemedyBG is quite competent but I have zero experience with it.

On Tuesday, 15 October 2024 at 23:57:51 UTC, Manu wrote:


The ecosystem needs to recognise the key risk projects and strategically direct resources to them. Look at it from the perspective of a business considering a technology commitment; it's a time-bomb (as I've apparently discovered at the most un-timely moment possible)... what do we do to convince ourselves otherwise?

The fragmentation in D community use of editors and IDEs is very real, but I would expect VS Code being the better (best) out of the box experience. And D LSP serve-d being the bedrock for most IDE plugins today.

Years ago I would state that good VisualStudio integration is essential for a serious language, today I am not so sure.
Of course a broken one is even worst than none.


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