July 31, 2013
On 07/31/2013 02:49 AM, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:
> Any ideas what dependency might be missing or else what might be wrong?  apt-get build-dep gcc lists a whole host of different packages, but I don't want to just blindly pull them in as the whole point is to work out which of them are actually relevant.

Hmmm, Google may be my friend -- it looks like it may have been simply running out of (virtual) disk space.  I'll create a bigger virtual disk tomorrow and have another go -- 'til then, other ideas are welcome, but don't put any effort into it :-)
July 31, 2013
On 07/31/2013 02:49 AM, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:
> I decided it was about time I tested my described how-to-build-GDC method (cf. earlier postings:-) on a fresh system.
> So, I installed a basic Debian 7 system in VirtualBox and installed all the
> dependencies listed on:
> http://wiki.dlang.org/GDC/Installation/Generic
> Then, it's
>      cd ~/code/D/gdc/dev
>      ./setup-gcc.sh ../gcc-4.8.1/
>      cd ..
>      mkdir objdir
>      cd objdir
>      ../gcc-4.8.1/configure --enable-languages=d --disable-multilib --enable-checking=release --prefix=/opt/gdc
>      make 2>&1 | tee build.log

... which works -- the earlier build failure was because I'd created insufficient virtual disk space.

I did this fresh build simply to make sure that all dependencies were correctly listed, as I had some vague memory from way back when of there being something missing.  But it looks like in fact all is present and correct.

So, that's nice. :-)