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Re: IDE with renaming possibility
Nov 07, 2011
Jabba Laci
Nov 09, 2011
Marco Leise
November 07, 2011
> I use Emacs and replace regexp.


I'm looking for a solution that replaces just in the scope. A regexp replace would change all occurrences :( Also, if you have a function that is implemented in a module and you call it in another file, it should be renamed everywhere.

November 09, 2011
Am 07.11.2011, 11:08 Uhr, schrieb Jabba Laci <>:

>> I use Emacs and replace regexp.
> Hi,
> I'm looking for a solution that replaces just in the scope. A regexp
> replace would change all occurrences :( Also, if you have a function
> that is implemented in a module and you call it in another file, it
> should be renamed everywhere.
> Laszlo

Your scope variable can be renamed if you search and replace only in the selected lines. This works in Eclipse at least.
November 10, 2011
I'm using linux too. I tried all IDEs for D, but all of them was pretty lame, so I'm using Kate/Geany.

> I don't find an important feature: renaming variables/functions/etc.

BTW: It's called refactoring.