October 31, 2013
On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 06:33:50PM +0100, Steve Teale wrote:
> Mea Culpa.
> In attempting to install the prerequisites
> libmpc-dev
> libmpfr-dev
> libgmp3-dev
> I ended up building from the source code for these projects.
> Later, back to square one, I simply installed them using apt-get.
> Then the build worked.
> Grovel, grovel, my apologies to those whose time I wasted ;=(

No worries, the gcc build system is a sensitive, fragile beast that requires lots of TLC. I had a hard time getting the build to work until Joseph kindly provided detailed steps on how to do it.

It might be good if you write up in detail all the steps you took (starting from a blank slate) to get the build working, and compare that with the current instructions on the wiki, and add any missing details. This stuff needs to be documented in a detailed way so that people can reliably produce a working compiler; I conjecture that many people simply gave up when their first attempt failed, and thus got turned away from GDC. :-/


Nobody is perfect.  I am Nobody. -- pepoluan, GKC forum
October 31, 2013
On Thursday, 31 October 2013 at 17:33:52 UTC, Steve Teale wrote:
> Mea Culpa.
> In attempting to install the prerequisites
> libmpc-dev
> libmpfr-dev
> libgmp3-dev
> I ended up building from the source code for these projects.
> Later, back to square one, I simply installed them using apt-get.
> Then the build worked.
> Grovel, grovel, my apologies to those whose time I wasted ;=(
> Steve

My recipe can be found at britseyeview.com/software/buildGDC.txt

I hope this will save others some grief.

November 01, 2013
On 31/10/13 19:38, Steve Teale wrote:
> My recipe can be found at britseyeview.com/software/buildGDC.txt
> I hope this will save others some grief.

Nice writeup! :-)

One thing -- about tweaking the PATH variable -- I find it useful to have a little script for this, /etc/profile.d/opt.sh :

for d in /opt/*/bin; do
    test -d "$d" || continue
    case :$PATH:$ in
        *) PATH=${PATH:+$PATH:}$d;;

Should be generally POSIX-compatible, not just working with bash or Linux.

N.B. I can't take credit for this.  I'd written a simpler version which didn't check if a directory was already in the PATH; some nice person on the Ubuntu Forums suggested the above as an alternative.
November 01, 2013
On 31 October 2013 18:38, Steve Teale <steve.teale@britseyeview.com> wrote:

> On Thursday, 31 October 2013 at 17:33:52 UTC, Steve Teale wrote:
>> Mea Culpa.
>> In attempting to install the prerequisites
>> libmpc-dev
>> libmpfr-dev
>> libgmp3-dev
>> I ended up building from the source code for these projects.
>> Later, back to square one, I simply installed them using apt-get.
>> Then the build worked.
>> Grovel, grovel, my apologies to those whose time I wasted ;=(
>> Steve
> My recipe can be found at britseyeview.com/software/**buildGDC.txt<http://britseyeview.com/software/buildGDC.txt>
> I hope this will save others some grief.

Feel free to take some time improving this documentation:


Iain Buclaw

*(p < e ? p++ : p) = (c & 0x0f) + '0';

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