September 04, 2013
On Wed, Sep 04, 2013 at 01:10:53PM -0700, Sean Kelly wrote:
> On Sep 2, 2013, at 2:04 PM, Walter Bright <> wrote:
> > Sounds easy, right? It is easy. Now do it to 1000 photos. With a command line tool:
> > 
> > write a script that does it to one picture, name it cc.bat
> The problem I've encountered on Windows is that its default batch language is terrible.  Any reasonable amount of command-line scripting requires either a different shell or ports of all the Unix tools.

"Those who don't understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly."



It is the quality rather than the quantity that matters. -- Lucius Annaeus Seneca
September 04, 2013
I *hate* shell scripting. My rule is if it is more than three lines, do yourself a favor and use a real programming language. This is equally true on unix and windows. Well, actually, the limit with batch might be one line rather than three. But still, shells are for interactive entry. Doing any scripting on them is a filthy, time wasting, bug-prone hack. (Especially on unix where you get idiocy like "command line too long" even trying to do simple tasks like deleting a bunch of files! Or the output to a pipe gets truncated due to terminal width - I kid you not, FreeBSD did that to me some years ago when I had to use it on a server. Drove me nuts.)