May 14

On Sunday, 12 May 2024 at 20:20:10 UTC, Nick Treleaven wrote:


Signed to unsigned should be deprecated (except where VRP can tell the source was not negative).

Unsigned to signed can preserve the value range when the signed type is bigger than the unsigned type, e.g.:

extern ubyte x;
short y = x; // OK, short.max >= ubyte.max
byte z = x;  // Deprecate, byte.max < ubyte.max



cast can be bug-prone if the original type gets changed. It would be better to have druntime template functions signed and unsigned to do the casts with IFTI to avoid changing the size of the type.

I assume by "changing the size of the type" you are referring specifically to narrowing conversions, not widening ones. If so, then yes, it's probably a good idea to use a helper template to avoid that.

> >

In many cases, migration could be performed automatically with a tool that uses the DMD frontend as a library.

Can you give some examples?

Easier to give examples of the cases where it won't work: templates, because there's no reliable way to only apply the migration to specific instantiations; and string mixins, because there's no reliable way to find the source code corresponding to a mixed-in expression (if it even exists--it could be generated by CTFE).


What about comparisons between incompatible signed and unsigned, deprecate too?

All binary operators, including comparison operators, use the same implicit conversions, so yes, comparisons would be covered by this proposal.

May 14

On Tuesday, 14 May 2024 at 06:59:16 UTC, Dom DiSc wrote:


On Sunday, 12 May 2024 at 20:20:10 UTC, Nick Treleaven wrote:


What about comparisons between incompatible signed and unsigned, deprecate too?

We have a working solution that always returns the correct result (see I never understood why anyone would rely on a wrong comparison result, so this should not be considered a breaking change.

As I said in my reply to Nick, this proposal makes no distinction between conversions done in the context of a comparison and conversions done in any other context.

I would rather not introduce a special case for comparisons, since special cases generally make the language more complex and harder to use. However, if you think this is a good idea, I encourage you to submit it as a separate proposal.

May 14
On Sunday, May 12, 2024 7:32:36 AM MDT Paul Backus via dip.ideas wrote:
> D would be a simpler, easier-to-use language if these implicit conversions were removed. The first step to doing that is to deprecate them.

In my experience, this hasn't been a big enough issue for me to care, and it's seemed like more of an academic concern than an actual problem, but I probably just don't typically write the kind of code that runs into problems because of it.

So, I don't mind the status quo, but I'm also fine with getting rid of such implicit conversions.

The main question IMHO is how annoying it'll be in practice. The primary case I can think of where there would likely be problems would be code that returns -1 for an index with size_t (e.g. some of the Phobos functions do that when the item being searched for isn't found). It's something that works perfectly fine in general, but it means comparing a signed type and an unsigned type. It also sometimes mean explicitly assigning -1 to an unsigned type. Those can be replace with using the type's max instead, so it's not the end of the world buy any means, but it will require code changes, and the result is arguably uglier.

As Steven pointed out though, VRP should still allow the conversion where appropriate, which should reduce how much code would need to be changed.

A related problem is that the compiler allows implicit conversions between character types and integer types. And personally, I care about that one far more and would love to see that changed, but I'm not against the idea of getting rid of implicit conversions between signed and unsigned integer types.

- Jonathan M Davis

May 14
On Monday, May 13, 2024 8:04:34 AM MDT Nick Treleaven via dip.ideas wrote:
> On Monday, 13 May 2024 at 12:48:04 UTC, Dukc wrote:
> > Paul Backus kirjoitti 12.5.2024 klo 16.32:
> > Ditching all backwards-compatibility issues, it would be a good
> > idea. But, this would cause *tremendous* amounts of breakage.
> >
> > Before, I would have said it simply isn't worth it. But since we're going to have editions, maybe. I'm still somewhat sceptical though. Nothing will break without a warning and people can stay at older editions if they want, but it's going to add a lot of work for someone migrating 100_000 lines to a new edition. That amount of code will likely have hundreds or even thousands of deprecations to fix.
> I think even with editions we need to avoid making it hard to port code to a newer edition. So instead of a deprecation, we could make it a `-w` warning instead.

Deprecations are the language's tool for making changes where code will later become illegal, and normally, the only result is that a message is printed. No code is broken until the language is actually changed to remove the deprecated feature.

In contrast, with how warnings are typically used in D, adding a warning is as good as adding an error, since it's extremely common to compile with -w, which makes all warnings errors, whereas arguably, -wi would be the better choice (but -w has been around longer and is shorter).

Warnings are also an utterly terrible idea in general and really should never have been added to the compiler. Even if you compile them in the fashion that most compilers do and have them actually be warnings and not errors, you inevitably end up in one of two situations with warnings:

1. You ignore many of them, because many of them are actually fine (since they typically warn of something that's potentially a problem and not something that's definitively a problem), and the ultimate result is that you get a wall of warnings, burying any useful messages where they'll never be seen, meaning that even the ones that should be fixed don't get fixed.

2. In order to avoid having a bunch of messages being printed and to avoid burying warnings that really should be fixed, you "fix" all warnings. In many cases, this requires changing code that is actually perfectly fine, but whether the code was fine or not, the fact that you're always making sure to remove any warnings that pop up makes it so that they might as well have been errors instead of warnings.

The end result is that warnings are utterly useless. Either they should have been errors, or they're better left to a linting tool. So, we really should not be adding to that problem by introducing more warnings.

And the fact that D's type introspection often checks whether a particular piece of code compiles in order to construct the checks for template constraints and static ifs and the like means that having flags which change whether a particular piece of code compiles or not is particularly bad for D, and adding more warnings can actually change what code compiles or not (or can even change which overload of a template is used). So, we really shouldn't be adding more warnings.

Deprecations don't have any of those problems unless you choose to compile with -de, which makes them warnings and which arguably shouldn't be a thing for the same reasons that it's problematic that -w turns warnings into errors. It actually affects conditional compilation and can do so in ways that are not easy to detect.

- Jonathan M Davis

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