On Friday, 6 August 2021 at 17:25:24 UTC, Tejas wrote:
> Okay we were overthinking the solution.
Just use a static array
int[your_max_length]/*or whatever type*/ var;
You're good to go!
I almost feel stupid now lol
Hello Tejas,
Kind thanks for your replies ... all are appreciated.
However, do NOT feel stupid ... the motivation behind why
I cannot use a standard int[your_max_length] (in other words,
use a static array), is because I need to do a specified
memory alignment (known at compile time) on my slice, or array.
I understand that neither a slice or an array is capable to doing
an arbitrary memory alignment. (But, perhaps I am wrong about this ...)
I believe structs can be aligned, but need to learn more about
the speicific of that.
In the meantime, I have written a way to get an aligned slice from a
static array. Ugly beginner code is below. While I believe this basic
idea should work, I would like to guarantee that my slice does not get
moved in memory (destroying the alignment).
Ugly code here:
import std.stdio;
enum MAXLENGTH = 1024;
enum ALIGN = 128;
void main(){
// static array to allow creation of aligned slice
writeln("u.ptr: ", u.ptr);
auto u_i = cast(ulong) u.ptr;
auto u_excess = u_i%ALIGN;
writeln("u_excess: ", u_excess);
ulong mustadd;
if(u_excess !=0){
mustadd = ALIGN-u_excess;
writeln("mustadd: ", mustadd);
// create aligned pointer for our needed slice
auto zp = cast(double*) (u.ptr + mustadd);
// create slice
double[] z = zp[0 .. MAXLENGTH];
writeln("z.ptr: ", z.ptr);
writeln("z.length: ", z.length);
auto z_i = cast(ulong) z.ptr;
auto z_excess = z_i%ALIGN;
writeln("z_excess: ", z_excess);