Thread overview
Help me please fix the bug
May 18, 2018
May 18, 2018
Mike Franklin
May 18, 2018
May 18, 2018
May 18, 2018
May 18, 2018
Mike Franklin
May 18, 2018
May 18, 2018
Mike Franklin
May 18, 2018

[majestio@freebsd ~/Projects/webapp]$ dub
Performing "debug" build using /usr/local/bin/dmd for x86_64.
taggedalgebraic 0.10.11: target for configuration "library" is up to date.
eventcore 0.8.34: building configuration "kqueue"...
/home/majestio/.dub/packages/eventcore-0.8.34/eventcore/source/eventcore/drivers/posix/kqueue.d(43,46): Error: function 'eventcore.drivers.posix.kqueue.KqueueEventLoop.this.__lambda1' is not nothrow
/home/majestio/.dub/packages/eventcore-0.8.34/eventcore/source/eventcore/drivers/posix/kqueue.d(41,2): Error: nothrow constructor 'eventcore.drivers.posix.kqueue.KqueueEventLoop.this' may throw
/home/majestio/.dub/packages/eventcore-0.8.34/eventcore/source/eventcore/drivers/posix/kqueue.d(60,20): Error: function 'core.sys.freebsd.sys.event.kevent' is not nothrow
/home/majestio/.dub/packages/eventcore-0.8.34/eventcore/source/eventcore/drivers/posix/kqueue.d(48,16): Error: nothrow function 'eventcore.drivers.posix.kqueue.KqueueEventLoop.doProcessEvents' may throw
/usr/local/bin/dmd failed with exit code 1.

source kqueue.d:

    BSD kqueue based event driver implementation.

    Kqueue is an efficient API for asynchronous I/O on BSD flavors, including
    OS X/macOS, suitable for large numbers of concurrently open sockets.
module eventcore.drivers.posix.kqueue;
@safe: /*@nogc:*/ nothrow:

version (FreeBSD) enum have_kqueue = true;
else version (DragonFlyBSD) enum have_kqueue = true;
else version (OSX) enum have_kqueue = true;
else enum have_kqueue = false;

static if (have_kqueue):

public import eventcore.drivers.posix.driver;
import eventcore.internal.utils;

import core.time : Duration;
import core.sys.posix.sys.time : timespec, time_t;

version (OSX) import core.sys.darwin.sys.event;
else version (FreeBSD) import core.sys.freebsd.sys.event;
else version (DragonFlyBSD) import core.sys.dragonflybsd.sys.event;
else static assert(false, "Kqueue not supported on this OS.");

import core.sys.linux.epoll;

alias KqueueEventDriver = PosixEventDriver!KqueueEventLoop;

final class KqueueEventLoop : PosixEventLoop {
    private {
        int m_queue;
        kevent_t[] m_changes;
        kevent_t[] m_events;

    @safe nothrow {
        m_queue = () @trusted { return kqueue(); } ();
        m_events.length = 100;
        assert(m_queue >= 0, "Failed to create kqueue.");

    override bool doProcessEvents(Duration timeout)
    @trusted {
        import std.algorithm : min;
        //assert(Fiber.getThis() is null, "processEvents may not be called from within a fiber!");

        //print("wait %s", m_events.length);
        timespec ts;
        long secs, hnsecs;
        timeout.split!("seconds", "hnsecs")(secs, hnsecs);
        ts.tv_sec = cast(time_t)secs;
        ts.tv_nsec = cast(uint)hnsecs * 100;

        auto ret = kevent(m_queue, m_changes.ptr, cast(int)m_changes.length, m_events.ptr, cast(int)m_events.length, timeout == Duration.max ? null : &ts);
        m_changes.length = 0;

        //print("kevent returned %s", ret);

        if (ret > 0) {
            foreach (ref evt; m_events[0 .. ret]) {
                //print("event %s %s", evt.ident, evt.filter, evt.flags);
                assert(evt.ident <= uint.max);
                auto fd = cast(FD)cast(int)evt.ident;
                if (evt.flags & (EV_EOF|EV_ERROR))
                switch (evt.filter) {
                    default: break;
                    case EVFILT_READ: notify!(; break;
                    case EVFILT_WRITE: notify!(EventType.write)(fd); break;
                // EV_SIGNAL, EV_TIMEOUT
            return true;
        } else return false;

    override void dispose()

        import core.sys.posix.unistd : close;

    override void registerFD(FD fd, EventMask mask, bool edge_triggered = true)
        //print("register %s %s", fd, mask);
        kevent_t ev;
        ev.ident = fd;
        ev.flags = EV_ADD|EV_ENABLE;
        if (edge_triggered) ev.flags |= EV_CLEAR;
        if (mask & {
            ev.filter = EVFILT_READ;
            m_changes ~= ev;
        if (mask & EventMask.write) {
            ev.filter = EVFILT_WRITE;
            m_changes ~= ev;
        //if (mask & EventMask.status) |= EPOLLERR|EPOLLRDHUP;

    override void unregisterFD(FD fd, EventMask mask)
        kevent_t ev;
        ev.ident = fd;
        ev.flags = EV_DELETE;
        m_changes ~= ev;

    override void updateFD(FD fd, EventMask old_mask, EventMask new_mask, bool edge_triggered = true)
        //print("update %s %s", fd, mask);
        kevent_t ev;
        auto changes = old_mask ^ new_mask;

        if (changes & {
            ev.filter = EVFILT_READ;
            ev.flags = new_mask & ? EV_ADD : EV_DELETE;
            if (edge_triggered) ev.flags |= EV_CLEAR;
            m_changes ~= ev;

        if (changes & EventMask.write) {
            ev.filter = EVFILT_WRITE;
            ev.flags = new_mask & EventMask.write ? EV_ADD : EV_DELETE;
            if (edge_triggered) ev.flags |= EV_CLEAR;
            m_changes ~= ev;

        //if (mask & EventMask.status) |= EPOLLERR|EPOLLRDHUP;

May 18, 2018
On Friday, 18 May 2018 at 05:44:12 UTC, Majestio wrote:
> ==============================================================
> log:
> ==============================================================
> [majestio@freebsd ~/Projects/webapp]$ dub
> Performing "debug" build using /usr/local/bin/dmd for x86_64.
> taggedalgebraic 0.10.11: target for configuration "library" is up to date.
> eventcore 0.8.34: building configuration "kqueue"...
> /home/majestio/.dub/packages/eventcore-0.8.34/eventcore/source/eventcore/drivers/posix/kqueue.d(43,46): Error: function 'eventcore.drivers.posix.kqueue.KqueueEventLoop.this.__lambda1' is not nothrow
> /home/majestio/.dub/packages/eventcore-0.8.34/eventcore/source/eventcore/drivers/posix/kqueue.d(41,2): Error: nothrow constructor 'eventcore.drivers.posix.kqueue.KqueueEventLoop.this' may throw
> /home/majestio/.dub/packages/eventcore-0.8.34/eventcore/source/eventcore/drivers/posix/kqueue.d(60,20): Error: function 'core.sys.freebsd.sys.event.kevent' is not nothrow
> /home/majestio/.dub/packages/eventcore-0.8.34/eventcore/source/eventcore/drivers/posix/kqueue.d(48,16): Error: nothrow function 'eventcore.drivers.posix.kqueue.KqueueEventLoop.doProcessEvents' may throw
> /usr/local/bin/dmd failed with exit code 1.

I'm not sure, but I recently fixed an issue very much related to this:

I'm curious if you could download one of the nightly compilers and test if it is still problem:


May 18, 2018
On Friday, 18 May 2018 at 05:44:12 UTC, Majestio wrote:

>     this()
>     @safe nothrow {
>         m_queue = () @trusted { return kqueue(); } ();
>         m_events.length = 100;
>         assert(m_queue >= 0, "Failed to create kqueue.");
>     }

Also, I believe this is __lambda1:

m_queue = () @trusted { return kqueue(); } ();

Is `kqueue()` nothrow?  You probably need to decorate that lambda with `nothrow`.  (i.e. put a `nothrow` right after `@trusted`.


May 18, 2018
On Friday, 18 May 2018 at 07:28:39 UTC, Mike Franklin wrote:
> On Friday, 18 May 2018 at 05:44:12 UTC, Majestio wrote:
>>     this()
>>     @safe nothrow {
>>         m_queue = () @trusted { return kqueue(); } ();
>>         m_events.length = 100;
>>         assert(m_queue >= 0, "Failed to create kqueue.");
>>     }
> Also, I believe this is __lambda1:
> m_queue = () @trusted { return kqueue(); } ();
> Is `kqueue()` nothrow?  You probably need to decorate that lambda with `nothrow`.  (i.e. put a `nothrow` right after `@trusted`.
> Mike

`kqueue()` is not nothrow. From log: "Error: function 'core.sys.freebsd.sys.event.kqueue' is not nothrow"

This decoration does not solve the problem :(

May 18, 2018
On Friday, 18 May 2018 at 06:02:46 UTC, Mike Franklin wrote:
> On Friday, 18 May 2018 at 05:44:12 UTC, Majestio wrote:
> I'm curious if you could download one of the nightly compilers and test if it is still problem:
> Mike

About dmd-master-2018-05-18 ...

export PATH=/home/majestio/Projects/dmd2/freebsd/bin64:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/majestio/Projects/dmd2/freebsd/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

rm -fR ~/.dub
tar xf dmd.master.freebsd-64.tar.xz
rm -f dmd.master.freebsd-64.tar.xz
echo -ne '\n\n\n\n\n\n\n' | dub init hello --type=vibe.d
cd hello
dub 2>&1 | tee logfile.log

Fetching libevent 2.0.2+2.0.16 (getting selected version)...
Fetching diet-ng 1.4.5 (getting selected version)...
Fetching taggedalgebraic 0.10.11 (getting selected version)...
Fetching openssl 1.1.6+1.0.1g (getting selected version)...
Fetching botan 1.12.9 (getting selected version)...
Fetching stdx-allocator 2.77.1 (getting selected version)...
Fetching vibe-d 0.8.3 (getting selected version)...
Fetching memutils 0.4.10 (getting selected version)...
Fetching vibe-core 1.4.0 (getting selected version)...
Fetching libasync 0.8.3 (getting selected version)...
Fetching botan-math 1.0.3 (getting selected version)...
Fetching eventcore 0.8.34 (getting selected version)...
Performing "debug" build using /usr/home/majestio/Projects/dmd2/freebsd/bin64/dmd for x86_64.
taggedalgebraic 0.10.11: building configuration "library"...
eventcore 0.8.34: building configuration "kqueue"...
stdx-allocator 2.77.1: building configuration "library"...
vibe-core 1.4.0: building configuration "kqueue"...
vibe-d:utils 0.8.3: building configuration "library"...
vibe-d:data 0.8.3: building configuration "library"...
/home/majestio/.dub/packages/vibe-d-0.8.3/vibe-d/data/vibe/data/json.d(2513,25): Deprecation: function `std.exception.enforceEx!(JSONException).enforceEx!bool.enforceEx` is deprecated - Use `enforce`. `enforceEx` will be removed with 2.089.
/home/majestio/.dub/packages/vibe-d-0.8.3/vibe-d/data/vibe/data/json.d(2513,25): Deprecation: function `std.exception.enforceEx!(JSONException).enforceEx!bool.enforceEx` is deprecated - Use `enforce`. `enforceEx` will be removed with 2.089.
/home/majestio/.dub/packages/vibe-d-0.8.3/vibe-d/data/vibe/data/json.d(2513,25): Deprecation: function `std.exception.enforceEx!(JSONException).enforceEx!bool.enforceEx` is deprecated - Use `enforce`. `enforceEx` will be removed with 2.089.
/home/majestio/.dub/packages/vibe-d-0.8.3/vibe-d/data/vibe/data/json.d(2513,25): Deprecation: function `std.exception.enforceEx!(JSONException).enforceEx!bool.enforceEx` is deprecated - Use `enforce`. `enforceEx` will be removed with 2.089.
/home/majestio/.dub/packages/vibe-d-0.8.3/vibe-d/data/vibe/data/json.d(2513,25): Deprecation: function `std.exception.enforceEx!(JSONException).enforceEx!bool.enforceEx` is deprecated - Use `enforce`. `enforceEx` will be removed with 2.089.
/home/majestio/.dub/packages/vibe-d-0.8.3/vibe-d/data/vibe/data/json.d(2513,25): Deprecation: function `std.exception.enforceEx!(JSONException).enforceEx!bool.enforceEx` is deprecated - Use `enforce`. `enforceEx` will be removed with 2.089.
/home/majestio/.dub/packages/vibe-d-0.8.3/vibe-d/data/vibe/data/json.d(2513,25): Deprecation: function `std.exception.enforceEx!(JSONException).enforceEx!bool.enforceEx` is deprecated - Use `enforce`. `enforceEx` will be removed with 2.089.
/home/majestio/.dub/packages/vibe-d-0.8.3/vibe-d/data/vibe/data/json.d(2518,25): Deprecation: function `std.exception.enforceEx!(JSONException).enforceEx!bool.enforceEx` is deprecated - Use `enforce`. `enforceEx` will be removed with 2.089.
/home/majestio/.dub/packages/vibe-d-0.8.3/vibe-d/data/vibe/data/json.d(2518,25): Deprecation: function `std.exception.enforceEx!(JSONException).enforceEx!bool.enforceEx` is deprecated - Use `enforce`. `enforceEx` will be removed with 2.089.
/home/majestio/.dub/packages/vibe-d-0.8.3/vibe-d/data/vibe/data/json.d(2518,25): Deprecation: function `std.exception.enforceEx!(JSONException).enforceEx!bool.enforceEx` is deprecated - Use `enforce`. `enforceEx` will be removed with 2.089.
/home/majestio/.dub/packages/vibe-d-0.8.3/vibe-d/data/vibe/data/json.d(2518,25): Deprecation: function `std.exception.enforceEx!(JSONException).enforceEx!bool.enforceEx` is deprecated - Use `enforce`. `enforceEx` will be removed with 2.089.
/home/majestio/.dub/packages/vibe-d-0.8.3/vibe-d/data/vibe/data/json.d(2518,25): Deprecation: function `std.exception.enforceEx!(JSONException).enforceEx!bool.enforceEx` is deprecated - Use `enforce`. `enforceEx` will be removed with 2.089.
/home/majestio/.dub/packages/vibe-d-0.8.3/vibe-d/data/vibe/data/json.d(2513,25): Deprecation: function `std.exception.enforceEx!(JSONException).enforceEx!bool.enforceEx` is deprecated - Use `enforce`. `enforceEx` will be removed with 2.089.
/home/majestio/.dub/packages/vibe-d-0.8.3/vibe-d/data/vibe/data/json.d(2513,25): Deprecation: function `std.exception.enforceEx!(JSONException).enforceEx!bool.enforceEx` is deprecated - Use `enforce`. `enforceEx` will be removed with 2.089.
/home/majestio/.dub/packages/vibe-d-0.8.3/vibe-d/data/vibe/data/json.d(2513,25): Deprecation: function `std.exception.enforceEx!(JSONException).enforceEx!bool.enforceEx` is deprecated - Use `enforce`. `enforceEx` will be removed with 2.089.
/home/majestio/.dub/packages/vibe-d-0.8.3/vibe-d/data/vibe/data/json.d(2513,25): Deprecation: function `std.exception.enforceEx!(JSONException).enforceEx!bool.enforceEx` is deprecated - Use `enforce`. `enforceEx` will be removed with 2.089.
/home/majestio/.dub/packages/vibe-d-0.8.3/vibe-d/data/vibe/data/json.d(2513,25): Deprecation: function `std.exception.enforceEx!(JSONException).enforceEx!bool.enforceEx` is deprecated - Use `enforce`. `enforceEx` will be removed with 2.089.
/home/majestio/.dub/packages/vibe-d-0.8.3/vibe-d/data/vibe/data/json.d(2513,25): Deprecation: function `std.exception.enforceEx!(JSONException).enforceEx!bool.enforceEx` is deprecated - Use `enforce`. `enforceEx` will be removed with 2.089.
/home/majestio/.dub/packages/vibe-d-0.8.3/vibe-d/data/vibe/data/json.d(2513,25): Deprecation: function `std.exception.enforceEx!(JSONException).enforceEx!bool.enforceEx` is deprecated - Use `enforce`. `enforceEx` will be removed with 2.089.
/home/majestio/.dub/packages/vibe-d-0.8.3/vibe-d/data/vibe/data/json.d(2513,25): Deprecation: function `std.exception.enforceEx!(JSONException).enforceEx!bool.enforceEx` is deprecated - Use `enforce`. `enforceEx` will be removed with 2.089.
/home/majestio/.dub/packages/vibe-d-0.8.3/vibe-d/data/vibe/data/json.d(2513,25): Deprecation: function `std.exception.enforceEx!(JSONException).enforceEx!bool.enforceEx` is deprecated - Use `enforce`. `enforceEx` will be removed with 2.089.
/home/majestio/.dub/packages/vibe-d-0.8.3/vibe-d/data/vibe/data/json.d(2513,25): Deprecation: function `std.exception.enforceEx!(JSONException).enforceEx!bool.enforceEx` is deprecated - Use `enforce`. `enforceEx` will be removed with 2.089.
/home/majestio/.dub/packages/vibe-d-0.8.3/vibe-d/data/vibe/data/json.d(2518,25): Deprecation: function `std.exception.enforceEx!(JSONException).enforceEx!bool.enforceEx` is deprecated - Use `enforce`. `enforceEx` will be removed with 2.089.
/home/majestio/.dub/packages/vibe-d-0.8.3/vibe-d/data/vibe/data/json.d(2518,25): Deprecation: function `std.exception.enforceEx!(JSONException).enforceEx!bool.enforceEx` is deprecated - Use `enforce`. `enforceEx` will be removed with 2.089.
/home/majestio/.dub/packages/vibe-d-0.8.3/vibe-d/data/vibe/data/json.d(2518,25): Deprecation: function `std.exception.enforceEx!(JSONException).enforceEx!bool.enforceEx` is deprecated - Use `enforce`. `enforceEx` will be removed with 2.089.
/home/majestio/.dub/packages/vibe-d-0.8.3/vibe-d/data/vibe/data/json.d(2518,25): Deprecation: function `std.exception.enforceEx!(JSONException).enforceEx!bool.enforceEx` is deprecated - Use `enforce`. `enforceEx` will be removed with 2.089.
/home/majestio/.dub/packages/vibe-d-0.8.3/vibe-d/data/vibe/data/json.d(2518,25): Deprecation: function `std.exception.enforceEx!(JSONException).enforceEx!bool.enforceEx` is deprecated - Use `enforce`. `enforceEx` will be removed with 2.089.
/home/majestio/.dub/packages/vibe-d-0.8.3/vibe-d/data/vibe/data/json.d(2518,25): Deprecation: function `std.exception.enforceEx!(JSONException).enforceEx!bool.enforceEx` is deprecated - Use `enforce`. `enforceEx` will be removed with 2.089.
/home/majestio/.dub/packages/vibe-d-0.8.3/vibe-d/data/vibe/data/json.d(2518,25): Deprecation: function `std.exception.enforceEx!(JSONException).enforceEx!bool.enforceEx` is deprecated - Use `enforce`. `enforceEx` will be removed with 2.089.
/home/majestio/.dub/packages/vibe-d-0.8.3/vibe-d/data/vibe/data/json.d(2518,25): Deprecation: function `std.exception.enforceEx!(JSONException).enforceEx!bool.enforceEx` is deprecated - Use `enforce`. `enforceEx` will be removed with 2.089.
/home/majestio/.dub/packages/vibe-d-0.8.3/vibe-d/data/vibe/data/json.d(2518,25): Deprecation: function `std.exception.enforceEx!(JSONException).enforceEx!bool.enforceEx` is deprecated - Use `enforce`. `enforceEx` will be removed with 2.089.
vibe-d:crypto 0.8.3: building configuration "library"...
diet-ng 1.4.5: building configuration "library"...
vibe-d:stream 0.8.3: building configuration "library"...
/home/majestio/.dub/packages/vibe-d-0.8.3/vibe-d/stream/vibe/stream/wrapper.d(179,22): Error: no property `connected` for type `const(InterfaceProxy!(ConnectionStream))`
/home/majestio/.dub/packages/vibe-d-0.8.3/vibe-d/stream/vibe/stream/wrapper.d(187,19): Error: no property `connected` for type `InterfaceProxy!(ConnectionStream)`
/home/majestio/.dub/packages/vibe-d-0.8.3/vibe-d/stream/vibe/stream/wrapper.d(188,15): Error: no property `close` for type `InterfaceProxy!(ConnectionStream)`
/home/majestio/.dub/packages/vibe-d-0.8.3/vibe-d/stream/vibe/stream/wrapper.d(198,22): Error: no property `waitForData` for type `InterfaceProxy!(ConnectionStream)`
/usr/home/majestio/Projects/dmd2/freebsd/bin64/dmd failed with exit code 1.

May 18, 2018
On Friday, 18 May 2018 at 09:35:28 UTC, Majestio wrote:

>> Also, I believe this is __lambda1:
>> m_queue = () @trusted { return kqueue(); } ();
>> Is `kqueue()` nothrow?  You probably need to decorate that lambda with `nothrow`.  (i.e. put a `nothrow` right after `@trusted`.
>> Mike
> `kqueue()` is not nothrow. From log: "Error: function 'core.sys.freebsd.sys.event.kqueue' is not nothrow"
> This decoration does not solve the problem :(

But you're calling it from a `nothrow` function through a lambda that is also not `nothrow`.  Decorate your lambda as `nothrow` and then, if you can't make `kqueue()` `nothrow`, put it in a try-catch and figure out what to do if it does throw.

m_queue = () @trusted nothrow
        return kqueue();
    catch(Exception ex)
        // what do you want to do about it?
} ();

May 18, 2018
On Friday, 18 May 2018 at 09:59:27 UTC, Majestio wrote:
> On Friday, 18 May 2018 at 06:02:46 UTC, Mike Franklin wrote:
>> [...]
> About dmd-master-2018-05-18 ...
> =============================================
> #/bin/sh
> [...]

FWIW instead of such a build script, you could have used the install script which does this for you:

curl | bash -s dmd-nightly

Full docs:
May 18, 2018
On Friday, 18 May 2018 at 10:18:42 UTC, Seb wrote:
> On Friday, 18 May 2018 at 09:59:27 UTC, Majestio wrote:
>> On Friday, 18 May 2018 at 06:02:46 UTC, Mike Franklin wrote:
>>> [...]
>> About dmd-master-2018-05-18 ...
>> =============================================
>> #/bin/sh
>> [...]
> FWIW instead of such a build script, you could have used the install script which does this for you:
> curl | bash -s dmd-nightly
> Full docs:

Thanks I'll know.