August 24, 2010
What happened to assumeSorted in 2.048?

When trying to do a find on an assumeSorted range, it fails:

dcollections/HashSet.d(28): Error: template std.algorithm.find(alias pred = "a == b",R,E) if (isInputRange!(R) && is(typeof(binaryFun!(pred)(haystack.front,needle)) : bool)) does not match any function template declaration
dcollections/HashSet.d(28): Error: template std.algorithm.find(alias pred = "a == b",R,E) if (isInputRange!(R) && is(typeof(binaryFun!(pred)(haystack.front,needle)) : bool)) cannot deduce template function from argument types !()(AssumeSorted!(ubyte[],pred),ubyte)

WTF?  How do I do an efficient search now?
