February 22, 2005
template T()
  int x;

struct S
  mixin T;

void main()
  const S s = { x:0 };

When compiling, DMD 0.113 outputs:
Error: 'x' is not a member of 'S'

But if remove 'mixin T' line, and insert instead 'int x', program compiles successfully.
March 11, 2005
Ilya Zaitseff wrote:
| <code>
| template T()
| {
|   int x;
| }
| struct S
| {
|   mixin T;
| }
| void main()
| {
|   const S s = { x:0 };
| }
| </code>
| When compiling, DMD 0.113 outputs:
| Error: 'x' is not a member of 'S'
| But if remove 'mixin T' line, and insert instead 'int x', program
| compiles  successfully.

Added to DStress as
