June 09, 2023

In my last update, I reported that we had settled on three high-level goals, and that at the next session we would decide on a couple of people to be in charge of each goal and settle on some initial projects and tasks seeded from the gripes and wishes campaign along with some of our own. We've since had two planning sessions, one on May 26 and one on June 9, with a monthly meeting in between.

First up, the assignment of responsibility for high-level goals:

  • Stabilize the language/compiler/library: Walter and Atila
  • Enhance the ecosystem: Mathias and Robert, with assistance from Razvan
  • Strengthen the community: Ali and Mike

We'll each mostly, but not exclusively, be working under our assigned goals, with Razvan and Dennis floating among all three.

Second, we settled on a list of seed projects for each goal, with a few deferred to the future. You can see my notes here:


I want to stress that this is just an initial set that with which we begin to experiment with and refine our new workflow. We've experimented with setting these up in GitHub Projects since then to figure out how we want to use it.

At the June 9 planning session, we agreed that we're going to finalize the GH Projects setup this weekend and make it all public on Monday, June 12. That way everyone will be able to see what we're currently working on, what's complete, and what's waiting in the wings.

This is an entirely new process for us, so it will likely take a little time before it becomes a routine part of our workflow. But we'll get there.

We've already started work on some of this. For example, a little over a week ago, I tested out Robert's script for the Bugzilla to GitHub migration. It's got some issues that he's going to fix. In the meantime, Dennis brought up a few related points we need to work out how to handle once the migration is complete (such as updating dlang-bot). Anyway, it's one of the projects in progress.

We intend to resolve all of the items on the gripes and wish list one way or another (no, yes, maybe, future). A long list in a Markdown document is not the best way to do that. I'll probably add each as an issue to the vision repository and note the resolution there. I'm open to other suggestions for how to present it.

In the June 9 session, in light of the recent issue with deprecations, we discussed our deprecation process. Something Walter is going to work on immediately is caching deprecation and error messages to avoid situations like the one reported in Bugzilla Issue 23925, where thousands of deprecation messages were reported for six actual deprecation cases.

We also discussed the possibility of restricting deprecations to certain releases (e.g., every 5 or 10 major releases). There was no final decision there, but my impression is that most of us were inclined to accept it. I expect we'll revisit this before long.

We've also decided that we don't need weekly planning sessions. Instead, we'll have two per month, with the option to add one more if we need it. That means we'll meet at least three times per month (one monthly meeting, two planning sessions) except when we have a quarterly meeting or additional planning session, in which case we'll meet four (or possibly five) times.

Saeed from Ucora has offered to meet with Walter and me once or twice each month to provide feedback and advice on our progress. We have accepted. Our first meeting will take place next week or the week after.

We've scheduled our next planning session for June 23.

I still have to summarize the monthly meetings for May and June. The May summary is the next item on my list. I'll publish that sometime next week.