December 30

Summary of Progress (December 23 – December 29)

This week, I worked on enabling verrors=context globally and handling challenges with COMPILE and RUN test files. I also started planning a resource for documenting errors to make it easier for users to understand and resolve issues.

What I Worked On

  • Fixing COMPILE Test Files:
    The approach of using verrors=simple globally in d_do_test.d didn’t work as expected for COMPILE files. For now, I updated only the necessary test files to keep things moving.
  • Investigating RUN Test Files:
    Found that enabling verrors=context globally caused many RUN test files to behave differently. This wasn’t the case before in PR #17085. I’m still trying to figure out the exact issue.
  • Error Documentation Idea:
    Started thinking about creating a website or documentation to include everything related to errors. I’ll need to gather data to get this started.


  • Debugging the unexpected behavior in RUN files.

Next Steps

  1. Fix the test failures and complete the global enablement of verrors=context.
  2. Collect data and draft plans for the error documentation/website.
  3. Solve the issue causing inconsistencies in RUN files.

Happy New Year in advance! 🎉 Wishing for exciting progress and fewer bugs in the coming year! 😊