March 26, 2005

This is the monthly status for the unofficial d wish list:

Right now the wish list looks like this:

0.495  8  vectorization
0.486  10  Reflection API
0.477  2  Short syntax for new
0.458  12  unit test after compilation
0.423  14  array initialization/literals
0.419  8  black box unit testing
0.413  5  Javadoc documentation
0.412  9  Unit test isolation
0.405  10  Auto new-ing of classes
0.398  6  Posix threads support native
0.396  7  Array masking
0.373  8  Faster GC
0.365  8  unit test & code separation
0.363  2  Renaming ctor/dtor
0.357  8  unit test coverage
0.335  7  Unit test measurements
0.308  2  associative arrays by index
0.004  0  extra compiler values
March 26, 2005
Sorry, about that a crontab error.