Thread overview
DConf '23 Livestream Links
Aug 22, 2023
Mike Parker
Aug 22, 2023
Aug 22, 2023
Mike Parker
Aug 30, 2023
August 22, 2023

The countdown is on! We're a week away from the first day of DConf, and that means it's time to schedule the livestreams. If you can't be there in person, this is the next best thing.

When you're watching the livestream, feel free to type questions at any point during the talks. Someone will always be monitoring the livestream chat and will ask your questions on your behalf.

August 22, 2023
On Tuesday, 22 August 2023 at 13:30:27 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
> The countdown is on!
> ...

Nice I'm really waiting for it. By the way I just think that I watched all DConfs till now!

I just hope we don't have the old "split" slides with presenter. I have eye impairment and the last one was hard to watch.

August 22, 2023
On Tuesday, 22 August 2023 at 14:31:17 UTC, matheus wrote:
> I just hope we don't have the old "split" slides with presenter. I have eye impairment and the last one was hard to watch.

I'll talk to the video crew and ask them to show more of the fullscreen slides and less of the split screen.

August 30, 2023
On Tuesday, 22 August 2023 at 16:39:00 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
> On Tuesday, 22 August 2023 at 14:31:17 UTC, matheus wrote:
>> I just hope we don't have the old "split" slides with presenter. I have eye impairment and the last one was hard to watch.
> I'll talk to the video crew and ask them to show more of the fullscreen slides and less of the split screen.

I waited for the live stream before posting, and now I can only say THANK YOU.

I'm really liking all the talking so far and the presentation is nicely done.
