Thread overview
Vibe.d v0.9.0, v0.10.0: ` dub init hello -t vibe.d` fails to build on MacOS
Jul 07
Ki Rill
Jul 07
Jul 07
Ki Rill
Jul 07
Jul 08
Ki Rill
July 07

I follow vibe.d tutorial by reyvaleza:

$ dub init hello -t vibe.d
$ cd hello
$ dub


     Pre-gen Running commands for openssl
    Starting Performing "debug" build using dmd for x86_64.
  Up-to-date diet-ng 1.8.1: target for configuration [library] is up to date.
  Up-to-date taggedalgebraic 0.11.23: target for configuration [library] is up to date.
  Up-to-date eventcore 0.9.30: target for configuration [cfrunloop] is up to date.
  Up-to-date stdx-allocator 2.77.5: target for configuration [library] is up to date.
  Up-to-date vibe-container 1.3.1: target for configuration [library] is up to date.
  Up-to-date vibe-core 2.8.5: target for configuration [cfrunloop] is up to date.
  Up-to-date vibe-inet:textfilter 1.0.0: target for configuration [library] is up to date.
  Up-to-date vibe-serialization 1.0.4: target for configuration [library] is up to date.
  Up-to-date vibe-stream 1.1.0: target for configuration [library] is up to date.
  Up-to-date vibe-inet 1.0.0: target for configuration [library] is up to date.
  Up-to-date mir-linux-kernel 1.0.1: target for configuration [library] is up to date.
  Up-to-date vibe-inet:crypto 1.0.0: target for configuration [library] is up to date.
  Up-to-date vibe-stream:tls 1.1.0: target for configuration [openssl] is up to date.
  Up-to-date vibe-http 1.1.0: target for configuration [library] is up to date.
  Up-to-date vibe-d:mail 0.10.0: target for configuration [library] is up to date.
  Up-to-date vibe-d:mongodb 0.10.0: target for configuration [library] is up to date.
  Up-to-date vibe-d:redis 0.10.0: target for configuration [library] is up to date.
  Up-to-date vibe-d:utils 0.10.0: target for configuration [library] is up to date.
  Up-to-date vibe-d:web 0.10.0: target for configuration [library] is up to date.
  Up-to-date vibe-d 0.10.0: target for configuration [library] is up to date.
    Building hello ~master: building configuration [application]
     Linking hello
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "_ERR_new", referenced from:
      __D4vibe6stream7openssl11setSSLErrorFNbNeAyaQdiQgZv in libvibe-stream_tls.a(openssl_1f9_448.o)
  "_ERR_set_debug", referenced from:
      __D4vibe6stream7openssl11setSSLErrorFNbNeAyaQdiQgZv in libvibe-stream_tls.a(openssl_1f9_448.o)
  "_ERR_set_error", referenced from:
      __D4vibe6stream7openssl11setSSLErrorFNbNeAyaQdiQgZv in libvibe-stream_tls.a(openssl_1f9_448.o)
  "_SSL_get1_peer_certificate", referenced from:
      __D4vibe6stream7openssl13OpenSSLStream6__ctorMFNfSQBv8internal14interfaceproxy__T14InterfaceProxyTCQDs4coreQDv6StreamZQBlCQEpQEnQEj14OpenSSLContextEQFpQFn3tls14TLSStreamStateAyaSQGtQDb3net14NetworkAddressAQBfZ10__lambda18MFNbNeZPS6deimosQIo5types7x509_st in libvibe-stream_tls.a(openssl_1ec_4f0.o)
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
Error: undefined reference to `_ERR_new`
Error: undefined reference to `_ERR_set_debug`
Error: undefined reference to `_ERR_set_error`
Error: undefined reference to `_SSL_get1_peer_certificate`
       perhaps a library needs to be added with the `-L` flag or `pragma(lib, ...)`
Error: linker exited with status 1
       cc /Users/rillki/.dub/cache/hello/~master/build/application-debug-YL3P8PyeIXmTPy3UUgCigQ/hello.o -o /Users/rillki/.dub/cache/hello/~master/build/application-debug-YL3P8PyeIXmTPy3UUgCigQ/hello -g -m64 -Xlinker -no_compact_unwind -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreFoundation -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreServices -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreFoundation -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreServices -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreFoundation -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreServices -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreFoundation -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreServices -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreFoundation -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreServices -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreFoundation -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreServices -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreFoundation -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreServices -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreFoundation -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreServices -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreFoundation -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreServices -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreFoundation -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreServices -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreFoundation -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreServices -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreFoundation -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreServices -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreFoundation -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreServices -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreFoundation -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreServices -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreFoundation -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreServices -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreFoundation -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreServices -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreFoundation -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreServices -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreFoundation -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreServices -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreFoundation -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreServices -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreFoundation -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreServices -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreFoundation -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreServices -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreFoundation -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreServices -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreFoundation -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreServices -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreFoundation -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreServices -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreFoundation -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreServices -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreFoundation -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreServices -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreFoundation -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreServices -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreFoundation -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreServices ../../.dub/cache/vibe-d/0.10.0/build/library-debug-g1lwC9oTSuj0EEKi5a88zQ/libvibed.a ../../.dub/cache/vibe-d/0.10.0/+mail/build/library-debug-AOm94-Q5A3-Ii47AS5uxiA/libvibe-d_mail.a ../../.dub/cache/vibe-d/0.10.0/+mongodb/build/library-debug-Cuh56lxuIvNOrEzVbad13w/libvibe-d_mongodb.a ../../.dub/cache/vibe-d/0.10.0/+redis/build/library-debug-BgFwHl_nuMmPSlfnbIlXxA/libvibe-d_redis.a ../../.dub/cache/vibe-d/0.10.0/+web/build/library-debug-8XPuAyuS5ZXa1HtQXbVdtg/libvibe-d_web.a ../../.dub/cache/vibe-d/0.10.0/+utils/build/library-debug-lXwZdAd4zVPimo5vbKE8Iw/libvibe-d_utils.a ../../.dub/cache/vibe-http/1.1.0/build/library-debug-XQ0vmbAGrZ_QXcUNlnTYTg/libvibe-http.a ../../.dub/cache/diet-ng/1.8.1/build/library-debug-Lp3ZEcx7dSuUprbkrcEoLA/libdiet-ng.a ../../.dub/cache/vibe-inet/1.0.0/build/library-debug-xw8vadh_Vlg6hQY8bh5YuQ/libvibe-inet.a ../../.dub/cache/vibe-inet/1.0.0/+textfilter/build/library-debug-yptDu1jzhPlJiR32QzChjw/libvibe-inet_textfilter.a ../../.dub/cache/vibe-serialization/1.0.4/build/library-debug-21ht2wTy2J9X2ZPmQRs0eA/libvibe-serialization.a ../../.dub/cache/vibe-inet/1.0.0/+crypto/build/library-debug-qdZDX17mub0iJpWQy7Zfpg/libvibe-inet_crypto.a ../../.dub/cache/mir-linux-kernel/1.0.1/build/library-debug-qNurHACkZt8LQU_ZThWaJA/libmir-linux-kernel.a ../../.dub/cache/vibe-stream/1.1.0/+tls/build/openssl-debug-p9NLKJHZMqkOZy4LjTZmkA/libvibe-stream_tls.a ../../.dub/cache/vibe-stream/1.1.0/build/library-debug-AaFD56-zfiQeh6rvhU4cvg/libvibe-stream.a ../../.dub/cache/vibe-core/2.8.5/build/cfrunloop-debug-HtkJDWziCJ8N2L8UFMj-6Q/libvibe_core.a ../../.dub/cache/eventcore/0.9.30/build/cfrunloop-debug-Xog3q5femZHeQULqlY-KUQ/libeventcore.a ../../.dub/cache/taggedalgebraic/0.11.23/build/library-debug-jib9rlbUhg6hVqWGBHd0Xw/libtaggedalgebraic.a ../../.dub/cache/vibe-container/1.3.1/build/library-debug-64fXjI5WEGko5OU5kJXFrw/libvibe-container.a ../../.dub/cache/stdx-allocator/2.77.5/build/library-debug-JTLsrDN5lJb-86S-S2_9-Q/libstdx-allocator.a -L/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1/lib -L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib -L/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1/lib -L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib -L/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1/lib -L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib -L/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1/lib -L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib -L/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1/lib -L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib -L/usr/local/Cellar/openssl@3/3.3.1/lib -lssl -lcrypto -L/usr/local/opt/dmd/lib -lphobos2 -lpthread -lm


	"authors": [
	"copyright": "Copyright © 2024, rillki",
	"dependencies": {
		"vibe-d": "~>0.9"
	"description": "A simple vibe.d server application.",
	"license": "MIT",
	"name": "hello"


MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013), macOS Big Sur version 11.7.10

How should I solve this? It mentions undefined symbols from openssl, but I have it installed. Vibe.d should link it automatically, right?

July 07

On Sunday, 7 July 2024 at 10:55:21 UTC, Ki Rill wrote:



MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013), macOS Big Sur version 11.7.10

How should I solve this? It mentions undefined symbols from openssl, but I have it installed. Vibe.d should link it automatically, right?

You can try to add to dependencies "vibe-stream:tls": "~>1.1.0"


 "subConfigurations": {
    "vibe-stream:tls": "notls"
July 07

On Sunday, 7 July 2024 at 11:33:47 UTC, Sergey wrote:


On Sunday, 7 July 2024 at 10:55:21 UTC, Ki Rill wrote:



MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013), macOS Big Sur version 11.7.10

How should I solve this? It mentions undefined symbols from openssl, but I have it installed. Vibe.d should link it automatically, right?

You can try to add to dependencies "vibe-stream:tls": "~>1.1.0"


 "subConfigurations": {
    "vibe-stream:tls": "notls"

It worked, thank you! But what does it do; disables TLS? Thread Local Storage?

July 07

On Sunday, 7 July 2024 at 14:15:02 UTC, Ki Rill wrote:


It worked, thank you! But what does it do; disables TLS? Thread Local Storage?

It disabling transport layer security
IMUC you won't be able to have "https" but only "http".

So in case you need that, you can make another SubConfiguration with "openssl" with the proper version, that installed in your system.

July 07

On Sunday, 7 July 2024 at 14:15:02 UTC, Ki Rill wrote:


On Sunday, 7 July 2024 at 11:33:47 UTC, Sergey wrote:


On Sunday, 7 July 2024 at 10:55:21 UTC, Ki Rill wrote:



MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013), macOS Big Sur version 11.7.10

How should I solve this? It mentions undefined symbols from openssl, but I have it installed. Vibe.d should link it automatically, right?

You can try to add to dependencies "vibe-stream:tls": "~>1.1.0"


 "subConfigurations": {
    "vibe-stream:tls": "notls"

It worked, thank you! But what does it do; disables TLS? Thread Local Storage?

openssl version should be automatically determined by running a pre-build step.

If this doesn't work for you, please file a bug here:


July 08

On Sunday, 7 July 2024 at 23:33:59 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:


openssl version should be automatically determined by running a pre-build step.

If this doesn't work for you, please file a bug here:


Filed a bug here: