On Friday, 30 September 2022 at 13:11:56 UTC, christian.koestlin wrote:
> Dear Dlang experts,
up until now I was perfectly happy with implementing (override) string toString() const
or something to get nicely formatted (mostly debug) output for my structs, classes and exceptions.
Human beings read extremely slowly compared to how quickly the GC can allocate and free string
s as needed, so there is no need to complicate your code with more text formatting strategies unless you want to generate this debug output far faster than a human can actually read it.
> But recently I stumbled upon https://wiki.dlang.org/Defining_custom_print_format_specifiers and additionally https://github.com/dlang/dmd/blob/4ff1eec2ce7d990dcd58e5b641ef3d0a1676b9bb/druntime/src/object.d#L2637 which at first sight is great, because it provides the same customization of an objects representation with less memory allocations.
When grepping through phobos, there are a bunch of "different" signatures implemented for this, e.g.
phobos/std/typecons.d: void toString(DG)(scope DG sink) const
phobos/std/typecons.d: void toString(DG, Char)(scope DG sink, scope const ref FormatSpec!Char fmt) const
phobos/std/typecons.d: void toString()(scope void delegate(const(char)[]) sink, scope const ref FormatSpec!char fmt)
phobos/std/sumtype.d: void toString(this This, Sink, Char)(ref Sink sink, const ref FormatSpec!Char fmt);
to just show a few.
The FormatSpec
parameter only belongs there if you're actually going to do something useful with it in your toString
implementation. Even if you are going to use it, you should probably still provide a convenience overload with a default specifier.
> Furthermore, when one works with instances of struct, objects or exceptions a aInstance.toString()
does not "work" when one only implements the sink interface (which is to be expected), whereas a std.conv.to!string
or a formatted write with %s
always works (no matter what was used to implement the toString).
I generally do something like this:
struct A {
string message;
int enthusiasm;
void toString(DG)(scope DG sink) scope const @safe
if(is(DG : void delegate(scope const(char[])) @safe)
|| is(DG : void function(scope const(char[])) @safe))
import std.format : formattedWrite;
sink(" x ");
formattedWrite!"%d"(sink, enthusiasm);
string toString() scope const pure @safe {
StringBuilder builder;
toString(&(builder.opCall)); // Find the exact string length.
toString(&(builder.opCall)); // Actually write the chars.
return builder.finish();
So, the first toString
overload defines how to format the value to text, while the second overload does memory management and forwards the formatting work to the first.
is a utility shared across the entire project:
struct StringBuilder {
char[] buffer;
size_t next;
void opCall(scope const(char[]) str) scope pure @safe nothrow @nogc {
const curr = next;
next += str.length;
if(buffer !is null)
buffer[curr .. next] = str[];
void allocate() scope pure @safe nothrow {
buffer = new char[next];
next = 0;
void allocate(const(size_t) maxLength) scope pure @safe nothrow {
buffer = new char[maxLength];
next = 0;
string finish() pure @trusted nothrow @nogc {
assert(buffer !is null);
string ret = cast(immutable) buffer[0 .. next];
buffer = null;
next = 0;
return ret;
The first formatting pass to find the required buffer length can be skipped if you can somehow pre-calculate the maximum possible length, or if you prefer the common strategy of repeatedly re-allocating the buffer with exponentially increasing size used by the likes of std.array.Appender
. Since the API for toString
remains the same regardless, you are free to choose the best strategy for each type.