October 24, 2019

Could you help to port this code:
__asm__ __volatile__ (
	"990: nop\n"                                                 \
	".pushsection .note.stapsdt,\"?\",\"note\"\n"                \
	".balign 4\n"                                                \
	".4byte 992f-991f, 994f-993f, 3\n"                           \
	"991: .asciz \"stapsdt\"\n"                                  \
	"992: .balign 4\n"                                           \
	"993: .8byte 990b\n"                                         \
	".8byte _.stapsdt.base\n"                                    \
	".8byte 0\n"                                                 \
	".asciz \"myapp\"\n"                                         \
	".asciz \"func_call\"\n"                                     \
	".asciz \"%n[_SDT_S1]@%[_SDT_A1] %n[_SDT_S2]@%[_SDT_A2]\"\n" \
	"994: .balign 4\n"                                           \
	:: [_SDT_S1] "n" (4),
	   [_SDT_A1] "nor" ((a)),
	   [_SDT_S2] "n" (4),
	   [_SDT_A2] "nor" ((b))

I failed to find what is the ldc analog to gnu assembler InputOperands. What I need is converting ((a)) expression to `-4(%rbp)` string and ((b)) expression to `-8(%rbp)`
October 25, 2019
On 10/24/19 2:13 PM, drug wrote:
> Hello!
> Could you help to port this code:
> ```
> __asm__ __volatile__ (
>      "990: nop\n"                                                 \
>      ".pushsection .note.stapsdt,\"?\",\"note\"\n"                \
>      ".balign 4\n"                                                \
>      ".4byte 992f-991f, 994f-993f, 3\n"                           \
>      "991: .asciz \"stapsdt\"\n"                                  \
>      "992: .balign 4\n"                                           \
>      "993: .8byte 990b\n"                                         \
>      ".8byte _.stapsdt.base\n"                                    \
>      ".8byte 0\n"                                                 \
>      ".asciz \"myapp\"\n"                                         \
>      ".asciz \"func_call\"\n"                                     \
>      ".asciz \"%n[_SDT_S1]@%[_SDT_A1] %n[_SDT_S2]@%[_SDT_A2]\"\n" \
>      "994: .balign 4\n"                                           \
>      ".popsection\n"
>      :: [_SDT_S1] "n" (4),
>         [_SDT_A1] "nor" ((a)),
>         [_SDT_S2] "n" (4),
>         [_SDT_A2] "nor" ((b))
> );
> ```
> I failed to find what is the ldc analog to gnu assembler InputOperands. What I need is converting ((a)) expression to `-4(%rbp)` string and ((b)) expression to `-8(%rbp)`
The answer is:
__asm (
    `990: nop
        .pushsection .note.stapsdt,"?","note"
        .balign 4
        .4byte 992f-991f, 994f-993f, 3
    991: .asciz "stapsdt"
    992: .balign 4
    993: .8byte 990b
        .8byte _.stapsdt.base
        .8byte 0
        .asciz "myapp"
        .asciz "func_call"
        .asciz "${0:n}@${1} ${2:n}@${3}"
    994: .balign 4
        .popsection`, "n, r, n, r", 4, a, 4, b);