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| Posted by Brad Anderson in reply to Ant | PermalinkReply |
Brad Anderson
| Ant wrote:
> I wish for a wish list where:
> - we could see what was wished before
> - we could see who wished it (optional)
> - we could see the wish status (base specs, in consideration, rejected, high
> priority, low priority) and small comment
> - we could add new wishes
> - the decision makers could easely see what the rest of us would like to see on
> the language
> this should be kept very simple and small (each entry) or else it
> will just be another discussion forum.
> the discussion would still take place on the main D forum.
> this would be a nice way not to bother every body with old things,
> and clearly show what the decision maker think of the wishes.
> How can this be implemented? (a bug list on bugzilla...? who knows?...)
> Who would implement this?
> Digital Mars?
> some project on the future D repository site?
> (haaa... do you think I'm becaming a bureaucrat?...)
> Ant
I agree, and the key to it is the moderator(s). Benji's phpBB part of his site would work fine, as long as a moderator or two organized, combined/compressed and trimmed the fat.
Bugzilla's voting mechanism could also assist here, allowing "I agree" sentiments without additional posts. I'm willing to set up an instance of Bugzilla if it plays into Benji's plan. There may even be ways to categorize compiler bugs vs. wishes vs. programmer assistance, but again, moderators are the key to keeping it a clean, succinct, organized list of what everyone needs to see (wishers and decision makers, i.e. Walter).