Thread overview
How can I convert Hexadecimal to RGB Color and vice-versa?
Oct 16, 2020
Oct 16, 2020
Ali Çehreli
Nov 24, 2020
Nov 24, 2020
Jacob Carlborg
October 16, 2020
How can I convert Hexadecimal to RGB Color and vice-versa?
October 16, 2020
On 10/16/20 1:10 PM, Marcone wrote:
> How can I convert Hexadecimal to RGB Color and vice-versa?

On 10/16/20 1:10 PM, Marcone wrote:

> How can I convert Hexadecimal to RGB Color and vice-versa?

Do you mean from a string like "#123456" to the values of red, green, and blue? I am having more fun with D than usual. So, I wrote the following without understanding your requirements. :)

I am sure this already exists in various libraries.

import std.exception;
import std.range;
import std.format;
import std.stdio;
import std.traits;

struct RGB {
  ubyte red;
  ubyte green;
  ubyte blue;

  this(const(char)[] s) {
    enforce(s.length < 8, format!`Invalid RGB string: "%s"`(s));

    if (s.front == '#') {

     uint value;

  this(T)(T value)
  if (isIntegral!T) {
    enforce(value >= 0 && value < 0x100_0000,
            format!"Invalid RGB value: %s (0x%,*?x)"(value, 2, '_', value));

    ubyte popLowByte() {
      ubyte b = value & 0xff;
      value >>= 8;
      return b;
    } = popLowByte(); = popLowByte(); = popLowByte();

    assert(value == 0);

  string asHex() {
    return format!"%02x%02x%02x"(red, green, blue);

void main() {
  auto a = RGB("#a0a0a0");

  auto b = RGB(0x10ff20);

November 24, 2020
// Função hex2rgb()
uint hex2rgb(string hexcolor) nothrow {
	try {
		uint value;
		return value;
	} catch(Throwable){return 0;}

// Função rgb2hex()
string rgb2hex(uint rgbcolor) nothrow {
	try {
		return "#%s".format(toHex(cast(const(BigInt)) rgbcolor));
	} catch(Throwable){return "";}
November 24, 2020
On Friday, 16 October 2020 at 20:10:58 UTC, Marcone wrote:
> How can I convert Hexadecimal to RGB Color and vice-versa?

Not sure if this is what you're looking for:

struct Color
    private uint hex;

    int red()
    out(result; result >= 0 && result <= 255) // assert that the result is within bounds
        return (hex & 0xFF0000) >> 16;

    void red(int value)
    in(value >= 0 && value <= 255) // assert that the value is within bounds
        hex = (hex & 0x00FFFF) | (value << 16);

    int green()
    out(result; result >= 0 && result <= 255) // assert that the result is within bounds
        return (hex & 0x00FF00) >> 8;

    void green(int value)
    in(value >= 0 && value <= 255) // assert that the value is within bounds
        hex = (hex & 0xFF00FF) | (value << 8);

    int blue()
    out(result; result >= 0 && result <= 255) // assert that the result is within bounds
        return hex & 0x0000FF;

    void blue(int value)
    in(value >= 0 && value <= 255) // assert that the value is within bounds
        hex = (hex & 0xFFFF00) | value;

    string toString()
        return format!"Color(red: %s, green: %s, blue: %s)"(red, green, blue);

void main()
    Color color; = 255; = 143; = 89;


/Jacob Carlborg