The in operator is designed poorly.
Don't get me wrong, I know that nothing is perfect, and that making a programming language is hard, and that there will be less-than-optimal features. However, here are several such features that made me find annoying work-arounds. and they will be mentioned here.
The in operator being a pointer.
Operators that can yield an expression evaluable at compile-time should not return a type who's value can only be known at run time. The in operator returns a pointer, resulting in the following not working:
import std.stdio;
void main()
static if(0 in [0: 0]) //This expression should be true.
writeln(typeof(0 in [0: 0]).stringof);
This code fails to compile, because the in operator returns a pointer, who's value cannot be known at compile time. Note that the code will compile if you replace the expression being evaluated with 1 in [0: 0], because it evaluates to null. Due to this poor design, to get the code to compile you have to do the following:
//This program prints int* to stdout.
import std.stdio;
void main()
static foreach(k; [0: 0])
static if(k == 0)
writeln(typeof(0 in [0: 0]).stringof);
Operator overloads not being retrieved by __traits(getOverloads, ... , ... ).
This is the other annoying feature that I encountered today. Take the following code:
class C
this(int m)
this.m = m;
public C opBinary(string op)(C rhs)
mixin("return new C(this.m " ~ op ~ " rhs.m);");
int m;
void main()
import std.stdio;
writeln(__traits(getMember, C, "opBinaryRight")); //false
writeln(__traits(getOverloads, C, "opBinary")); //You would expect the output to be "(C(string op)(C rhs))". Instead what is printed is ().
In other words, you can determine whether an operator is overloaded, but you cannot get the total list of overloads of that operator. What if you need to know if there is a shared version? Too bad, you're going to have to use __traits(compiles) to figure it out (though admittedly, it IS easier to use __traits(compiles) to figure this out, it still makes no sense that __traits(getOverloads) doesn't work on operator overloads while everything else does.)