September 30, 2015
On Tuesday, 29 September 2015 at 19:15:13 UTC, Meta wrote:
> On Tuesday, 29 September 2015 at 14:34:42 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:
>> runTests with no optional arguments will run the tests in threads.
>> There's nothing about purity enforcement there. In fact, I tried
>> using pure unit tests yesterday with std.experimental.testing
>> and couldn't. The compiler inferred the functions to not be pure.
>> I tried adding pure to them and descended into a madness of adding pure all over phobos until I got fed up. It seems to be something to do with `format` not being pure, I have no idea why. It really should be.
> There are various unit tests in Phobos that are annotated with @pure, @nogc, nothrow, etc. to test that those attributes will be inferred by the compiler. In light of that, this could pose a problem.

Which is why I tested with a pure unittest. The problem is that `text` and `to` from `std.conv` aren't pure. That can and should be fixed, but unless I write my own pure versions, it's got nothing to do with this proposal.

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