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Internationalization support and format strings
4 days ago
Bruno Haible
3 days ago
Bruno Haible
3 days ago
Bruno Haible
4 days ago
Paul Backus
3 days ago
Bruno Haible
4 days ago


The GNU gettext package contains tools for internationalization, enabling a programmer to make their package "speak" to the users in their specific language.

GNU gettext so far supports a number of programming languages, see

I thought it would be a good idea to make GNU gettext support also the D programming language. This is a registered wish list item since 2017: . On the D side, a rudimentary interface to the gettext() function in the GNU C library exists as well:

I am now trying to implement this support. I am already done with the xgettext support (parsing D source code and extracting messages). But from the programming language, this support also needs format strings with positions (so that translators can reorder arguments in their translations of format strings).

D has format strings in its standard library (phobos):
But this format string facility has 4 major bugs:

Two questions:

  1. How can this be, that a programming language that is more than 20 years old and that is integrated into GCC for 6 years, has a format string facility that is riddled with bugs? Is D only a playground for compiler hackers and not used for real applications, and thus the standard library is "uninteresting"?

  2. How should I continue? What advice would you give me? Should I wait until the format string bugs are fixed (and if so, in which time frame)? Or should I cancel the GNU gettext support for D ?

Best regards. I don't want to offend anyone. If you feel an offense, please excuse it with frustration on my side.

4 days ago
On 25/03/2025 11:39 AM, Bruno Haible wrote:
> Hi,
> The GNU gettext package contains tools for internationalization, enabling a programmer to make their package "speak" to the users in their specific language.
> GNU gettext so far supports a number of programming languages, see
> Programming-Languages.html
> I thought it would be a good idea to make GNU gettext support also the D programming language. This is a registered wish list item since 2017: . On the D side, a rudimentary interface to the gettext() function in the GNU C library exists as well:
> I am now trying to implement this support. I am already done with the xgettext support (parsing D source code and extracting messages). But from the programming language, this support also needs format strings with positions (so that translators can reorder arguments in their translations of format strings).
> D has format strings in its standard library (phobos): https://
> But this format string facility has 4 major bugs:


Needs to be discussed.

Requires sentinel value, and right now its typed as a ubyte.


I think its more that docs are wrong here, rather than implementation.


I'm not sure about this one, it looks funky, but at least its easy enough to work around with.

I'll leave it to someone else.


4 days ago

On Monday, 24 March 2025 at 22:39:11 UTC, Bruno Haible wrote:


I thought it would be a good idea to make GNU gettext support also the D programming language. This is a registered wish list item since 2017: . On the D side, a rudimentary interface to the gettext() function in the GNU C library exists as well:

Have you seen this package?

3 days ago
Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole wrote:

Thanks for handling this one.

> I think its more that docs are wrong here, rather than implementation.

Hmm, you mean, instead of specifying a fixed order:

    Position Flags Width Precision Separator

the spec should specify arbitrary order?

    Parameter Parameters

If that is intended, then

1) Is it valid to specify two positions, two widths, two precisions, or two separators? For example
And if it is valid, does the first position/width/precision/separator matter, or the last one?

2) Since Flags can start with a digit 0, how do you disambiguate Flags after Width, Precision, or Separator?
For example

The current spec, with the fixed order, is better at avoiding these ambiguities.

Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole wrote:
> I'm not sure about this one, it looks funky, but at least its easy enough to work around with.

Such a workaround does not help me with the internationalization.

The situation with the internationalization is:

1) The programmer specifies a format string as a gettext() argument. For instance,
gettext("%s is replaced with %*s")
"%s is replaced with %*s".gettext

2) The translator decides whether they need reordering, and thus translates
"%s is replaced with %*s"
"%3$*2$d ersetzt %1$s"

3) The GNU msgfmt program verifies that the translator's translation "matches", based on the specification of format strings.

There is no programmer that could add a workaround, since the programmer is not involved after step 1. And the translator usually does not try their translations "live".

So, what is really needed here, is not a possible workaround but an implementation of std.format that is in sync with its specification.
3 days ago

Paul Backus wrote:

> >

On the D side, a rudimentary interface to the gettext() function in the GNU C library exists as well:

Have you seen this package?

Thanks for the hint. Yes, I have looked at all of these:

They all have very small "Download Stats", indicating that their actual use in applications is nonexistent or irrelevant.

From these five packages, the one that comes closest to having a usable API, on par with the gettext APIs for other programming languages, is .

3 days ago
Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole wrote:
> I think its more that docs are wrong here, rather than implementation.

Another reason why it's better to keep a fixed order of
    Position Flags Width Precision Separator
is the runtime execution (implemented in std/format/write.d, function formattedWrite). This function currently processes width, precision, separators in that order.

Now, think of a format string such as
The programmer would expect that argument 1 are the separator digits, argument 2 is the precision, argument 3 is the width, and argument 4 is the value to be formatted.

If you don't change formattedWrite, it will actually use argument 1 for the width, argument 2 for the precision, argument 3 for the separator digits — which doesn't match programmer expectations.

Whereas if you change formattedWrite to use the arguments in the order in which they were referenced in the format string, you are slowing down the formatting at runtime.
3 days ago

On Tuesday, 25 March 2025 at 09:23:56 UTC, Bruno Haible wrote:


Paul Backus wrote:


Have you seen this package?

Thanks for the hint. Yes, I have looked at all of these:

They all have very small "Download Stats", indicating that their actual use in applications is nonexistent or irrelevant. is, as far as I know, being used in a real application, and was developed specifically for that application, for one of D's major users in industry (see Bastiaan's talk in 2023:

I would focus on that one for de-facto standardization. Likely it has a small number of users, but would be actively fixed if issues are found.

And also, the formatting bugs should all be fixed as well, regardless of gettext support.
