On Thursday, 25 August 2022 at 14:49:51 UTC, Salih Dincer wrote:
One benefit of @property is that it allows the compiler to infer automatically. So it behaves like auto but superior! For example:
import std.stdio,
std.format : conv = format;
//version = 1;
void main()
char[6] text = "abcDEF".dup;
auto VERSION = VerA!6(text); // sub-versions
// range for sure (all version!)
foreach(c; VERSION) c.write;
"(empty == true)".writeln;
// VerA.0, VerB.0: front() => D (one character)
// VerA.1, VerB.1: toString() => abcDEF (all)
struct VerA(int len)
char[len] bytes;
int index = len / 2;
alias front this;
bool empty() { return index == len; }
char front() { return bytes[index]; }
void popFront() { ++index; }
version(1) {
string toString() { return conv("%s", bytes); }
struct VerB(int len)
char[len] bytes;
int index = len / 2;
alias front this;
bool empty() { return index == len; }
char front() { return bytes[index]; }
void popFront() { ++index; }
version(1) {
string toString() { return conv("%s", bytes); }
I discovered another feature of @property while accessing it with writeln(). You need the alias and InputRange elements to see this...
Have I got it right? When accessing the structure with writeln(), if there is toString(), it is executed first, otherwise InputRange elements come into play. Just like we did with foreach().
If you scope the InputRange elements into the @property scope, the alias becomes priority. It's the opposite when you scope it to @system.