March 24, 2023

On Thursday, 23 March 2023 at 13:38:51 UTC, Alexander Zhirov wrote:


Is it possible to convert such records inside the structure to the assigned type?

struct MyVal
    string value;
    // Here it would be possible to use an alias to this, but it can only be used 1 time

auto a = MyVal("100");
auto b = MyVal("11.2");

int MyInt = a;        // Implicitly convert to target type
float myFloat = b;    // Implicitly convert to target type

Here is another working variation of Ali's code, try it yourself:

import std.stdio;
import std.conv;

struct MyVal
    string value;
    T opCast(T)() { return!T; }

void main()
    auto a = MyVal("100");
    auto b = MyVal("11.2");

    auto MyInt =!int;
    auto myFloat =!float;

    writeln(MyInt, ", ", myFloat);

In general, all type casting and parsing stuff usually exist under std.conv in the standard library, so you can take advantage of it.

March 24, 2023

On Friday, 24 March 2023 at 09:39:00 UTC, Jacob Shtokolov wrote:


On Thursday, 23 March 2023 at 13:38:51 UTC, Alexander Zhirov wrote:


Is it possible to convert such records inside the structure to the assigned type?

BTW, you can also alias this your struct value and then use std.conv : to for casting, if you don't need specific casting rules.

March 24, 2023

On Friday, 24 March 2023 at 09:46:26 UTC, Jacob Shtokolov wrote:


BTW, you can also alias this your struct value and then use std.conv : to for casting, if you don't need specific casting rules.

I don't quite understand what you mean? Could you show me an example?

March 24, 2023

On Friday, 24 March 2023 at 09:59:47 UTC, Alexander Zhirov wrote:


On Friday, 24 March 2023 at 09:46:26 UTC, Jacob Shtokolov wrote:


BTW, you can also alias this your struct value and then use std.conv : to for casting, if you don't need specific casting rules.

I don't quite understand what you mean? Could you show me an example?

I mean, it would be the same code except that you don't define any opCast or other operators for a struct, just alias the value to this and use std.conv : to directly as follows:

struct MyVal
    string value;
    alias value this;

void main()
    import std.stdio;
    import std.conv;

    auto a = MyVal("100");
    auto b = MyVal("11.2");

    auto MyInt =!int;
    auto myFloat =!float;

    writeln(MyInt, ", ", myFloat);
March 24, 2023

On Thursday, 23 March 2023 at 13:38:51 UTC, Alexander Zhirov wrote:


Is it possible to convert such records inside the structure to the assigned type?

struct MyVal
    string value;
    // Here it would be possible to use an alias to this, but it can only be used 1 time

auto a = MyVal("100");
auto b = MyVal("11.2");

int MyInt = a;        // Implicitly convert to target type
float myFloat = b;    // Implicitly convert to target type

You're limited by the use of int and float. It works just fine for structs:

struct MyInt {
    int x;
    alias x this;

    this(MyString s) {
        x =!int;

    void opAssign(MyString s) {
        x =!int;

struct MyFloat {
    float x;
    alias x this;

    this(MyString s) {
        x =!float;

    void opAssign(MyString s) {
        x =!float;

struct MyString {
    string s;
    alias s this;

void main() {
    auto ms = MyString("100");
    auto ms2 = MyString("11.2");
    MyInt mi = ms;
    MyFloat mf = ms2;
March 24, 2023

On Friday, 24 March 2023 at 13:53:02 UTC, bachmeier wrote:


On Thursday, 23 March 2023 at 13:38:51 UTC, Alexander Zhirov wrote:


Is it possible to convert such records inside the structure to the assigned type?

struct MyVal
    string value;
    // Here it would be possible to use an alias to this, but it can only be used 1 time

auto a = MyVal("100");
auto b = MyVal("11.2");

int MyInt = a;        // Implicitly convert to target type
float myFloat = b;    // Implicitly convert to target type

You're limited by the use of int and float. It works just fine for structs:

struct MyInt {
    int x;
    alias x this;

    this(MyString s) {
        x =!int;

    void opAssign(MyString s) {
        x =!int;

struct MyFloat {
    float x;
    alias x this;

    this(MyString s) {
        x =!float;

    void opAssign(MyString s) {
        x =!float;

struct MyString {
    string s;
    alias s this;

void main() {
    auto ms = MyString("100");
    auto ms2 = MyString("11.2");
    MyInt mi = ms;
    MyFloat mf = ms2;

opAssign is not needed for this code to compile, but it would be if you had

MyInt mi;
mi = ms;
March 24, 2023

On Thursday, 23 March 2023 at 13:38:51 UTC, Alexander Zhirov wrote:

struct MyVal
    string value;
    // Here it would be possible to use an alias to this, but it can only be used 1 time

auto a = MyVal("100");
auto b = MyVal("11.2");

int MyInt = a;        // Implicitly convert to target type
float myFloat = b;    // Implicitly convert to target type

Have you tried using an associative array?

I feel that you will come up with a solution for your purpose from the examples below:

template MyContainer(string data = "")
{       // Container name ---^
  struct Var
    import std.variant;

    private Variant[string] values;
    alias values this;

      Variant opDispatch(string key)() const
        return values[key];

      void opDispatch(string key, T)(T val)
        values[key] = val;

  static if(data.length > 0)
    import std.format;

    mixin(data.format!"Var %s;");

  } else {

    Var data; // no conflicts


import std.stdio;

void main()
  enum Tarih
    AY  = 1,
    YIL = 2023
  mixin MyContainer!"date";

  date.month = cast(ubyte)Tarih.AY;

  assert(date["month"] != Tarih.AY);
  assert(date["month"].type == typeid(ubyte));

  date.year = cast(short)Tarih.YIL;
  date.year.writeln(" in Turkish format");

  assert(date["year"] != Tarih.YIL);
  assert(date["year"].type == typeid(short));

  writefln("Date: %s/%s", date.year, date.month);


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