Thread overview
Linker issues with struct postblit
Oct 28, 2021
Thomas Gregory
Oct 29, 2021
Oct 29, 2021
Stanislav Blinov
Oct 31, 2021
James Blachly
Nov 01, 2021
Thomas Gregory
October 28, 2021

I am a maintainer of the dhtslib package and I have been running into issues with a new implementation of reference counting we are using.

Below is the implementation (which is basically our replacement for RefCounted).

/// Template struct that wraps an htslib
/// pointer and reference counts it and then
/// destroys with destroyFun when it goes
/// truly out of scope
struct SafeHtslibPtr(T, alias destroyFun)
if(!isPointer!T && isSomeFunction!destroyFun)
    @safe @nogc nothrow:

    /// data pointer
    T * ptr;
    /// reference counting
    shared int* refct;

    /// initialized?
    bool initialized;

    /// ctor that respects scope
    this(T * rawPtr) @trusted return scope
        this.ptr = rawPtr;
        this.refct = cast(shared int *) calloc(int.sizeof,1);
        (*this.refct) = 1;
        this.initialized = true;

    /// postblit that respects scope
    this(this) @trusted return scope
        if(initialized)atomicOp!"+="(*this.refct, 1);

    /// allow SafeHtslibPtr to be used as
    /// underlying ptr type
    alias getRef this;

    /// get underlying data pointer
    @property nothrow pure @nogc
    ref inout(T*) getRef() inout return
        return ptr;

    /// take ownership of underlying data pointer
    @property nothrow pure @nogc
    T* moveRef()
        T * ptr;
        move(this.getRef, ptr);
        return ptr;

    /// dtor that respects scope
    ~this() @trusted return scope

        if(!this.initialized) return;
        if(atomicOp!"-="(*this.refct, 1)) return;
            /// if destroy function return is void
            /// just destroy
            /// else if return is int
            /// destroy then check return value
            /// else don't compile
            static if(is(ReturnType!destroyFun == void))
            else static if(is(ReturnType!destroyFun == int))
                auto err = destroyFun(this.ptr);
                if(err != 0)
                    hts_log_errorNoGC!__FUNCTION__("Couldn't destroy/close "~T.stringof~" * data using function "~__traits(identifier, destroyFun));
                static assert(0, "HtslibPtr doesn't recognize destroy function return type");

This can be used as such to reference count a pointer created from the c library htslib as such:

/// bam1_t is a struct from c bindings
/// bam_destroy1 is a function to clean up a bam1_t *
/// that is created from the c bindings
alias Bam1 = SafeHtslibPtr!(bam1_t, bam_destroy1);
auto b = Bam1(bam_init1());

The issue presents with SAMRecord:

struct SAMRecord
    /// Backing SAM/BAM row record
    Bam1 b;

    /// Corresponding SAM/BAM header data
    SAMHeader h;

dhtslib itself builds fine on both dmd and ldc compilers but when it is used as a dependency it seems to have issues building on any compiler that is not ldc > v1.24.0:

_D39TypeInfo_S7dhtslib3sam6record9SAMRecord6__initZ: error: undefined reference to `_D7dhtslib3sam6record9SAMRecord15__fieldPostblitMFNbNiNlNeZv'

Though I only experience this when trying to create an array of SAMRecords.

One solution I have found is using std.array.Appender instead of arrays.
Another solution I have found is to define an explicit postblit for SAMReader:

    this.h = h;
    this.b = b;

Looking through ldc changelogs, the closest thing I could attribute this to is this change for ldc-1.25.0:

  • Struct TypeInfos are emitted into referencing object files only, and special TypeInfo member functions into the owning object file only. (#3491)

I suspect this is something to do with the alias'd function in SafeHtslibPtr. Is there something I should be doing differently?

October 29, 2021

On Thursday, 28 October 2021 at 01:39:10 UTC, Thomas Gregory wrote:


I am a maintainer of the dhtslib package and I have been running into issues with a new implementation of reference counting we are using.



October 29, 2021

On Friday, 29 October 2021 at 11:05:14 UTC, Imperatorn wrote:


On Thursday, 28 October 2021 at 01:39:10 UTC, Thomas Gregory wrote:


I am a maintainer of the dhtslib package and I have been running into issues with a new implementation of reference counting we are using.



October 30, 2021
On 10/29/21 7:10 AM, Stanislav Blinov wrote:
> On Friday, 29 October 2021 at 11:05:14 UTC, Imperatorn wrote:
>> On Thursday, 28 October 2021 at 01:39:10 UTC, Thomas Gregory wrote:
>>> I am a maintainer of the [dhtslib]( package and I have been running into issues with a new implementation of reference counting we are using.
>>> [...]
>> Postblit?

I imagine Imperatorn is quite familiar with postblit and was pointing out that it is strange to use postblit constructor, which is deprecated, in a "new implementation".

The original post was long and really buried the lede, but OP was pointing out what looks like a compiler bug: a linker error referencing a postblit symbol only shows up when compiling with DMD or with LDC earlier than 1.25.

Can someone give some insight?

November 01, 2021

On Sunday, 31 October 2021 at 03:51:49 UTC, James Blachly wrote:


On 10/29/21 7:10 AM, Stanislav Blinov wrote:


On Friday, 29 October 2021 at 11:05:14 UTC, Imperatorn wrote:


On Thursday, 28 October 2021 at 01:39:10 UTC, Thomas Gregory wrote:


I am a maintainer of the dhtslib package and I have been running into issues with a new implementation of reference counting we are using.



I imagine Imperatorn is quite familiar with postblit and was pointing out that it is strange to use postblit constructor, which is deprecated, in a "new implementation".

The original post was long and really buried the lede, but OP was pointing out what looks like a compiler bug: a linker error referencing a postblit symbol only shows up when compiling with DMD or with LDC earlier than 1.25.

Can someone give some insight?

I apologize for the long-winded question.

> > >


Yes, one solution would be to add a postblit.

However, the compiler should be able to generate default postblit and it does. I am only running into issues linking, which leads me to believe this is a compiler or language bug (fixed as of ldc-1.25).

Is there some way to to avoid writing an explicit postblit for every struct that uses SafeHtslibPtr? Many of dhtslib's structs wrap c type pointers that are reference counted and owned by SafeHtslibPtr like so:

// wrappedCPtr is an alias defined in another module as:
alias wrappedCPtr = SafeHtslibPtr!(c_type, destroy_c_type_fun);

// It is imported here
struct WrapperTypeName
    /// Backing C type pointer
    wrappedCPtr b;