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| Posted by Timon Gehr in reply to Mike Parker | PermalinkReply |
Timon Gehr
Posted in reply to Mike Parker
| On 12/6/23 17:28, Mike Parker wrote:
> One way to do that in D is to use `alloca`, but that's an issue because the memory it allocates has to be used in the same function that calls the `alloca`. So you can't, e.g., use `alloca` to alloc memory in a constructor, and that prevents using it in a custom array implementation. He couldn't think of a way to translate it.
There is the following trick. Not ideal since the length cannot be inferred, but this successfully injects alloca into the caller's scope.
import core.stdc.stdlib:alloca;
import std.range:ElementType;
import core.lifetime:moveEmplace;
struct VLA(T,alias len){
T[] storage;
this(R)(R initializer,return void[] storage=alloca(len*T.sizeof)[0..len*T.sizeof]){
foreach(ref element;this.storage){
auto init=initializer.front;
ref T opIndex(size_t i)return{ return storage[i]; }
T[] opSlice()return{ return storage; }
auto vla(alias len,R)(R initializer,void[] storage=alloca(len*ElementType!R.sizeof)[0..len*ElementType!R.sizeof]){
return VLA!(ElementType!R,len)(initializer,storage);
void main(){
import std.stdio,std.string,std.conv,std.range;
int x=readln.strip.to!int;