July 12, 2018
I'm very happy to announce the next Seoul D meetup on August 9 at 7:00 pm. We're partnering with local company BlockchainOS and the Meetup group 'Learn Teach Code Seoul' for an interactive 'Introduction to D' presentation/tutorial followed by an hour of coding challenges. BlockchainOS is graciously hosting the event in their office building in Yeoksam dong.

If there are any other D programmers out there hiding under the kimchi pots, come on out and help us show the light to some potential future D community members!

August 08, 2018
On Thursday, 12 July 2018 at 14:46:15 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
> I'm very happy to announce the next Seoul D meetup on August 9 at 7:00 pm. We're partnering with local company BlockchainOS and the Meetup group 'Learn Teach Code Seoul' for an interactive 'Introduction to D' presentation/tutorial followed by an hour of coding challenges. BlockchainOS is graciously hosting the event in their office building in Yeoksam dong.
> If there are any other D programmers out there hiding under the kimchi pots, come on out and help us show the light to some potential future D community members!
> https://www.meetup.com/Learn-Teach-Code-Seoul/events/252700823/

Just a reminder, this is still on. We've got several members of the 'Learn Teach Code Seoul' meetup group coming, as well as the CEO of BlockchainOS, possibly along with some of his employees. Mathias Lang will be there and hopefully so will Mike Franklin.

This is an introduction to D for newbies, but any other D users in the area are welcome to come along. We could use the extra hands to help people with the coding challenges.