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Is there a way to replace Exception with as a macro in C?
Feb 19, 2019
Feb 19, 2019
Mike Parker
Feb 19, 2019
Mike Parker
Feb 19, 2019
Marco de Wild
February 19, 2019
I wonder there is the way as I said in the title. For instance,

in C,
> #define indexInvalidException Exception("The index is invalid")
> /* Do something with the macro here */
> if (false)
>   indexInvalidException;

This is allowed.
But I want to do the exact same thing in D. I have already tried some expressions with alias? but it doesn't work.

> alias indexInvalidException = Exception("The index is invalid");
> /* Use the alias in somewhere */
> if (false)
>   throw new indexInvalidException;

Would you help me, please?
February 19, 2019
On Tuesday, 19 February 2019 at 05:50:04 UTC, yisooan wrote:
> This is allowed.
> But I want to do the exact same thing in D. I have already tried some expressions with alias? but it doesn't work.

alias can't be used for expressions.

> Would you help me, please?

There's nothing exactly equivalent to the C preprocessor. The closest you'd be able to get without using a keyword like mixin is to use a function:

Exception invalidIndexException() { throw new Exception("Index is invalid"); }

if(false) invalidIndexException;

Of course, you can also subclass Exception:

class InvalidIndexException : Exception
    this(string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__)
        super("Index is invalid", file, line);

if(false) throw new InvalidIndexException;

February 19, 2019
On Tuesday, 19 February 2019 at 06:16:59 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

> ```
> Exception invalidIndexException() { throw new Exception("Index is invalid"); }

Eh, that should be:

void invalidIndexException() {...}
February 19, 2019
On Tuesday, 19 February 2019 at 05:50:04 UTC, yisooan wrote:
> I wonder there is the way as I said in the title. For instance,
> in C,
>> #define indexInvalidException Exception("The index is invalid")
>> /* Do something with the macro here */
>> if (false)
>>   indexInvalidException;
> This is allowed.
> But I want to do the exact same thing in D. I have already tried some expressions with alias? but it doesn't work.
>> alias indexInvalidException = Exception("The index is invalid");
>> /* Use the alias in somewhere */
>> if (false)
>>   throw new indexInvalidException;
> Would you help me, please?

Alias is just a nickname for a symbol (i.e. alias string = immutable(char)[];) and lets you refer to that symbol with the nickname. You can't supply runtime parameters (like constructor parameters), but you can give compile-time template parameters (as the result of applying those parameters is a symbol rather than a value). Macros on the other hand, do a textual replacement, i.e. they alter the source code that goes into the compiler.

Depending on how brief you want to make your code, you can either use classic inheritance
class IndexInvalidException : Exception
        super("The index is invalid")

or, closest as you can get to macros:
enum throwNewIndexInvalidException = `throw new Exception("The index is invalid");`;

void main()

String mixins transform a string into an expression, and paste the expression wherever it is mixed in. It gets precompiled rather than substituted in the source code. This means it's best to have the whole line into a string, instead of individual parts (you can't have a mixin with just `Exception("The index is invalid")` for example).