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DConf '24 Schedule & BeerConf News
June 03

The DConf '24 Schedule

The DConf '24 schedule is now live:

You'll notice that we've departed from the norm in a few places. That's because of the number of submissions we received. Typically, we receive either just enough or many more than we need. This year, we needed 16 and received submissions from 19 people.

As we were agonizing over which 3 submissions to reject, Atila announced that he'd be willing to give up his slot this year. That meant we only needed to reject 2. Then our most recent guest speaker invitation was declined. We decided to use that slot for one of the submissions as well.

At that point, none of us wanted to reject just a single submission. We wanted to hear all of them. The only practical way to do that without spending more money on the A/V set up on the Hackathon day would be to give up either the AUA or the Lightning Talks.

So in the end, we decided to drop the AUA this year. We're still going to do it as a pre-DConf live stream session. The upside there is that we don't have to limit ourselves to an hour. We'll most likely do it on the last weekend of August or the first weekend of September. I'll announce it here and add it to the DConf schedule once it's settled.

We want to thank everyone who submitted a talk. We're excited about all of them.


I've also added some information about this year's real-world BeerConf:

Once again, pub hire rates are ridiculously high, even more than last year. Fortunately, an anonymous donor has stepped forward to sponsor one night at a pub called The Trinity Bell, around a 15-minute walk from the venue.

Drinks are on the house for all DConf attendees who show up at the pub on September 17th, the first night of DConf, from 18:00 until the tab runs out. Click the link above for more info.

It's unlikely we'll be able to hire the pub out for the remaining two nights, so until you hear otherwise from me, the lobby bar at Travelodge Central City Road is once again designated as the default nightly gathering spot for BeerConf.


As a reminder, June 17 is the last day of early-bird registration. If you haven't signed up yet, get it done before then to get that 15% discount:

See you in London!

June 03

On Monday, 3 June 2024 at 13:26:54 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:


The DConf '24 Schedule

The DConf '24 schedule is now live:

You'll notice that we've departed from the norm in a few places. That's because of the number of submissions we received. Typically, we receive either just enough or many more than we need. This year, we needed 16 and received submissions from 19 people.


Maybe on the template for next year, have an optional rating field for "How important is this talk to you / how time-critical is this talk" so you can sort by "is fine being deferred". My Neat talk was a bit time-critical to me due to the development schedule, and of course close to my heart; conversely, I wouldn't have had a problem with moving the Dustmite talk to '25, for instance.

June 04
Very awesome lineup this year!