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Empty associative array
Aug 09, 2021
Aug 09, 2021
Aug 09, 2021
Aug 09, 2021
Stefan Koch
Aug 09, 2021
Mike Parker
Aug 09, 2021
Mike Parker
Aug 09, 2021
Aug 09, 2021
Aug 09, 2021
Aug 09, 2021
Aug 09, 2021
Aug 09, 2021
August 09, 2021

In D associative array have reference semantic. Well they do, except when they are initially created, in which case they are null. For instance:

int[int] a1;
int[int] a2 = a1; // a1 is null, so a2 is null too.

a2[3] = 3; // a2 is initialized to something else than null here.
writeln(a1.length); // prints 0.

a1 = a2; // a1 and a2 now point to the same reference.
a2[4] = 4;

writeln(a1.length); // prints 2. a1 was modified with a2 now that they point to the same thing.

There is an immediate problem with this: how does one gets an empty, but non null, associative array?

I find myself in a situation where I use an AA to cache some computation results, and this cache might be necessary in a couple of places in the application. It works great, unless the cache is initially empty, in which case, every location ends up with its own cache, defeating the whole point of caching these results to begin with.

August 09, 2021

On Monday, 9 August 2021 at 12:16:44 UTC, deadalnix wrote:


There is an immediate problem with this: how does one gets an empty, but non null, associative array?

It would be nice to have reserve(capacity) call in AA API, if ia it not already there.

August 09, 2021

On Monday, 9 August 2021 at 12:16:44 UTC, deadalnix wrote:


There is an immediate problem with this: how does one gets an empty, but non null, associative array?

I think this ought to work for that:

int[int] empty = [];

However, compiler complains Error: cannot have associative array key of void.

August 09, 2021

On Monday, 9 August 2021 at 12:16:44 UTC, deadalnix wrote:


In D associative array have reference semantic. Well they do, except when they are initially created, in which case they are null. For instance:


You could use a global and/or pass by ref.

August 09, 2021

On Monday, 9 August 2021 at 12:16:44 UTC, deadalnix wrote:


I find myself in a situation where I use an AA to cache some computation results, and this cache might be necessary in a couple of places in the application. It works great, unless the cache is initially empty, in which case, every location ends up with its own cache, defeating the whole point of caching these results to begin with.

Do you mean you're passing the AA to those locations as a function parameter? In that case, it's no different from the behavior of dynamic arrays. The AA handle itself is not a reference, so you need to explicitly pass it by reference:

void func(ref int[int] aa) { aa[3] = 3; }

void main()
    int[int] aa;
    assert(aa[3] == 10);
August 09, 2021

On Monday, 9 August 2021 at 12:16:44 UTC, deadalnix wrote:


In D associative array have reference semantic. Well they do, except when they are initially created, in which case they are null. For instance:

int[int] a1;
int[int] a2 = a1; // a1 is null, so a2 is null too.

a2[3] = 3; // a2 is initialized to something else than null here.
writeln(a1.length); // prints 0.
class Cache {
    int[int] aa;

unittest {
    auto a1 = new Cache;
    auto a2 = a1;

    a2.aa[3] = 3;
    assert(a1.aa.length == 1);

I find myself in a situation where I use an AA to cache some computation results, and this cache might be necessary in a couple of places in the application.

You want reference semantics (class) and an AA (put it in the class).

August 09, 2021

On Monday, 9 August 2021 at 12:46:19 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

assert(aa[3] == 10);

Derp... assert(aa[3] == 3);

August 09, 2021

On Monday, 9 August 2021 at 12:16:44 UTC, deadalnix wrote:


It works great, unless the cache is initially empty, in which case, every location ends up with its own cache, defeating the whole point of caching these results to begin with.

It turns out the dark corners with empty static arrays don't stop with initialization. One can inefficiently hack an empty static array:

import std;


int[int] emptyAA;

void setEmptyAA()
{ alias Key = int, Value = int;

  emptyAA = [Key.init: Value.init];
  auto remover = emptyAA;

void main()
{ setEmptyAA;
  int[int] a = emptyAA;
  int[int] b = a;

  b[5] = 3;

  a.writeln; //[5:3]

...however, if you initialize a with emptyAA.dup it will again be null!

I believe we can only conclude that empty AA's are not supposed to rely on being non-null. Sorry Walter - in my eyes this is a design failure.

August 09, 2021

On Monday, 9 August 2021 at 13:10:53 UTC, Dukc wrote:

import std;


int[int] emptyAA;

void setEmptyAA()
{ alias Key = int, Value = int;

  emptyAA = [Key.init: Value.init];
  auto remover = emptyAA;

void main()
{ setEmptyAA;
  int[int] a = emptyAA;
  int[int] b = a;

  b[5] = 3;

  a.writeln; //[5:3]

...however, if you initialize a with emptyAA.dup it will again be null!

You get this with dynamic arrays as well.

unittest {
    int[] a;
    assert(a == []);
    assert(a is null);
    a ~= 1;
    a = a[1 .. $];
    assert(a == []);
    assert(a !is null);
    assert(a.length == 0);
    a = a.dup;
    assert(a is null);

I believe we can only conclude that empty AA's are not supposed to rely on being non-null. Sorry Walter - in my eyes this is a design failure.

They're very convenient, scripting-language-like types, and this comes with a few caveats that can be emphasized in tutorials and learned. If the convenience isn't worth the caveats for you, there's std.container.array and perhaps https://code.dlang.org/packages/bcaa

August 09, 2021

On Monday, 9 August 2021 at 12:46:19 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:


Do you mean you're passing the AA to those locations as a function parameter? In that case, it's no different from the behavior of dynamic arrays. The AA handle itself is not a reference, so you need to explicitly pass it by reference:

void func(ref int[int] aa) { aa[3] = 3; }

void main()
    int[int] aa;
    assert(aa[3] == 10);

This is cache, I need to keep it around. passing it by ref to function isn't going to cut it.

There are other solution, such as wrapping the AA into a struct a newing it, but this is introducing extra indirection for no good reasons.

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