March 22, 2022

Hi, I search place to discuss about graph algorithms.
I start creating experimental language with extended smart pointers.
Goal: while smart pointers in C++ and pointers in Swift need carefully handle with shared and weak pointers and knowing where using weak instead shared, here should be language which disabled making leaking code by developer; like garbage collector but using reference counting and other fields.
Sample program in Smart language:

public class Elem {
    internal Elem next;
    string name;
    public Elem(string name)
    { = name;
    ~Elem() {
	    Console.Printf("delete %s",name);

public static class Program
    static void Main()
        Elem a = new Elem(“Apartment”);
        Elem b = new Elem(“Person”);  = b; = a;

This should be translated to C++ code:

void main() {
    Shadow shadow;
    Elem* a = new Elem("Apartment");
    Elem* b = new Elem("Person");
    link_assign(a,&shadow,(Object**)&a->next, b);
    link_assign(b,&shadow,(Object**)&b->next, a);
    try_release(&shadow,  b);
    try_release(&shadow,  a);

In C++ is struct Elem which inherits from Object from runtime.
Is defined:

struct Object {
    int ref_count;
    int weak_count;
    int out_count;
    int link_number;
    Object() {
        ref_count = 1;
        out_count = 0;
        link_number = 0;
    virtual ~Object(){}

ref_count is number links to object, in some cases finding automatic , ref_count will not increment, but for releasing purpose is also weak_count.
out_count – umber outgoing objects
link_number- subsequent number in shadow variable, not creating by each creating object, but objects which have outgoing links.
In other hand pointers have standard width unlike fat(double) smartpointers in C++.

Struct shadow is local variable with substructures for each graph defined locally.
For each graph is stored number of cycles.
Naive approach to cycles: each element in graph 1 is marked with 1, in graph 2 with 2 and so on. If we links from element with 1 to element with 1 – is cycle.
Has disadvantages: If we have millions objects and link from object with 1 to object with 2, this should be replaced all millions 2 to 1, And when we remove edge – all in second half should be renamed from 1 to 2.
Shadow size is near proportional to number of graphs, not graphs size.
Main routine is link_assign


  • threads, ref_count in shared_ptr in C++ is atomic, but here is element from and element to
  • shadow with both local elements and field elements, if elements will fields, shadow also must be field, but how do if =b , one root is point from fields, second from local?

But for all tested examples is good,
Is possible proof correctness of this algorithm or find leaks?
for all possible sets of graphs, with cycles or not, and possible adding/deleting vertices and edges?