October 06


I've managed to fix the issue that was failing the testing pipeline. It was caused by the DMD dependency update. It's strange how the pipeline succeeded when I opened the PR with the update and failed afterwards. In the update the visitors were moved in different files, causing DUB to look in the wrong place for them. This issue has been fixed in DMD and I've also made the necessary changes in D-Scanner to target the proper imports.

I've also managed to fix AutoFix for the following checks:

  • AlwaysCurlyCheck
  • AutoFunctionChecker
  • ExplicitlyAnnotatedUnittestCheck
  • LambdaReturnCheck

The LambdaReturnCheck Autofix fix is failing the testing pipeline when running on Windows, it looks like there's a problem with how the unit tests source code is formatted. This will require further investigation.

I've also started working on the Autofix for StaticIfElse, however this turned out to be a bit more difficult, as one of the autofixes for it adds braces to the 'else' body of a statement and changes its indentation.