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Posted in reply to Christian Köstlin
| On Monday, 11 September 2023 at 22:08:54 UTC, Christian Köstlin wrote:
> On 09.09.23 17:44, Vino wrote:
> Hi All,
Request your help on how to convert the output of std.process.pipeProcess to hash string
auto test(in Redirect redirect=Redirect.stdout | Redirect.stderr) {
import std.process;
import std.digest.crc;
import std.stdio: writeln;
result = std.process.pipeProcess("whoami" ~ "/?", redirect);
auto content = result.stdout.readln;
auto hash = crc32Of(content);
return hash;
void main() {
Output: All writes the below.
[0, 0, 0, 0]
Required: Read the completed output and convert it to a single hash string.
Good that you could solve your problem already.
Just three remarks:
First I would recommend to use std.process : execute instead of
pipeProcess in this usecase, as this will wait properly for the process to exit and it also will collect its output.
Second its always good to test the exit status of the process ... just in case.
Third I would not look at stderr too much .. well behaved commandline tools should not put data for machines there.
Kind regards,
This is just an example, and more over execute has only stdout, where as we need all stdin,stdout,stderr, in order to minimize the runtime of log running task we run the stdout and stderr in a separate thread, the difference is that for pipeproces we have to use wait to ensure that the child process is completed, where as for execute we do not need to use wait, as the process exist only after the completion.