July 05, 2001
jacob navia wrote:
> I posted that before but here goes again
> The lcc-win32 resource editor can edit
> string tables,
> menus,
> accelerators,
> but the image editor is poor.

sigh. it gives me 5 errors when i try to open a simple splash.rc complains that mozilla.exe is not a valid win32 resource file (!?)

finding the 'directory' button was a real chore, and having that window randomly disappear didn't help matters.

windows pretend to be mdi until you start using them at which point you get totally confused.

I'm sorry to sound so negative, i guess most resource editors aren't perfect.
July 05, 2001
"Josh Soref" <soref@wam.umd.edu> wrote in message news:3B440FE8.427548CE@wam.umd.edu...
> jacob navia wrote:
> > I posted that before but here goes again
> > The lcc-win32 resource editor can edit
> > string tables,
> > menus,
> > accelerators,
> > but the image editor is poor.
> sigh. it gives me 5 errors when i try to open a simple splash.rc
Can you send me the splash.rc?
Which errors?

Please send it to me, I'll fix it when I return from holidays.
> complains that mozilla.exe is not a valid win32 resource file (!?)
Yes, I do not support resource editing from executables. Why should I?

> finding the 'directory' button was a real chore, and having that window
randomly disappear didn't help matters.

The "directory" button is 20x20 pixels... Maybe you need glasses?

> windows pretend to be mdi until you start using them at which point you
get totally confused.
That option is being implemented now. True, I should take it out, and in 2
weeks take it in, bu why care?

> I'm sorry to sound so negative, i guess most resource editors aren't
Maybe. Mine isn't perfect either. Just 5 years of work

December 20, 2004
try google search "resource hacker"

March 18, 2005

I found this Resource Editor. Didn't try it yet but since this is a recurrent question...


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