March 18

On Friday, 14 March 2025 at 07:30:14 UTC, Ogion wrote:


Functions with out parameters simply initialize the parameter with .init, instead of properly destroying it.

According to me that's clearly a bug. The destructor should be called.
Otherwise you end up, for example, with user-types relying on ref counting that dont work anymore.

That being said, out parameters just exist because of languages that dont guarante that what's passed in is well defined. That's another debate.

March 21

On Saturday, 15 March 2025 at 11:44:14 UTC, Ogi wrote:


On Friday, 14 March 2025 at 16:54:10 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:


Although understandably undesirable, this is according to spec:

"An out parameter [...] is initialized with x.init upon function invocation."

I want to clarify if this is intentional or not, and what is the intention if it is. Currently, it turns out that the variable has to be destroyed before passing it as an “out” argument. It’s counter-intuitive, and it defeats the purpose of “out” parameters.

I think you're exaggerating the issue more than it is! Who is going to use a local variable in their code? Let's look at the issue like this:

enum check = 40;
struct S
    int num = check;
    auto inc2() => num += 2;

void foo(out S s)
in (s.num == check)
    assert(s.num == check);

import std.stdio;
void main()
    S s;;

    s.num.writeln; // 42
    void bar(out S s)
    in (s.num == check)
        assert(s.num == check);

    s.num.writeln; // 40

The issue arises in the bar(s); call. Although s.num was incremented to 42 before bar(s), the out parameter in D resets s to its default state before entering bar(). Since s.num is initialized to check (which is 40), the assertion inside bar() holds, and after the function call, s.num is reset to 40. This explains why s.num.writeln; prints 40 after bar(s), effectively discarding the previous increment.


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