May 17, 2023

On Saturday, 13 May 2023 at 11:13:59 UTC, Nick Treleaven wrote:


It seems we could add this form to Type for consistency with function literals:

function RefOrAutoRefopt Type ParameterWithAttributes

May 17, 2023

Note: The opts made the grammar in quotations harder to read than necessary and aren’t essential to the quote, so I removed them.

On Saturday, 13 May 2023 at 11:13:59 UTC, Nick Treleaven wrote:


Just noticed we have this form for function literals:

function RefOrAutoRef Type ParameterWithAttributes FunctionLiteralBody2

But for function types we have just:

 TypeCtors BasicType function Parameters FunctionAttributes (inlining the TypeSuffix form)

It seems we could add this form to Type for consistency with function literals:

function RefOrAutoRef Type ParameterWithAttributes

Technically, that would work. I disagree with “for consistency,” however. The current consistency is that the order of keyword and type make it a type or a literal. Optional elements aside, a function literal looks like this:

function int(int x) @safe => x

and its type is:

int function(int x) @safe

You see, if the keyword (function or delegate) is first and the type is second, it’s a literal (an expression); if the type is first and the keyword is second, it’s a type. It doesn’t take long to understand this duality, even if it’s not pointed out anywhere directly. I find this is really beautiful; it’s an elegant solution and easy to read. It’s a bad fortune of miracle proportions that C and C++ have a function pointer syntax (for C++ also member function pointer syntax) that is much harder to come up with and a lot worse to read.

The problem D has is that while

function ref int(ref int x) @safe => x

is valid syntax for the literal, the corresponding

ref int function(ref int x) @safe;

is not a valid type – except in an alias declaration, where it is. This is the heart of the issue.

If I understand you correctly, you’d also allow

function int(int x) @safe

as a type, that is, when the function doesn’t return by reference. (It would be really inconsistent if that wasn’t allowed.)

The distinguishing factor then is what follows this whole long sequence of tokes. If it’s a brace, do or =>, then it’s an object, otherwise it’s a type, meaning that programmers (and likewise the parser) have to read it to the end to know if this is a type or an expression.


So this works:
void f(function ref int() g);

But for the type of a function returning by value, you’d then have two syntaxes, right?

function int()
int function()

I don’t think this would be a great thing.


That would be a smaller impact change than parenthesized types.

Depends on how you measure impact or what you consider small:

  • It requires a larger grammar change.
  • Thus, it probably requires more code in the parser.
  • It solves a very specific problem and introduces niche syntax.
  • It breaks with an existing principle.

Considering that ref int function() already kind of is a type, namely in alias declarations, it doesn’t extend the trajectory of the current syntax, but goes in an entirely different direction.

The smaller-impact solution is to make ref int function() a first-class type; practically, this isn’t enough because there are token sequences that could in principle be read two ways: ref being a the storage class of a function pointer parameter or indicating a function pointer parameter that returns by reference. These ambiguities are generally disambiguated by “max munch”. As in a lot of other cases, parentheses can disambiguate in the alternative direction. To be syntactically able to do so, types need primary expression syntax, which they even almost have.

If the syntax like (const int) enabled by full-on type expression syntax are deemed a problem – which would be weird because e.g. inout(const int) is already allowed –, to still solve the ref returning function problem, instead of
BasicTypeTypeCtor? (Type)
we can still do
BasicTypeTypeCtor? (ref TypeCtor? BasicType function Parameters FunctionAttributes)
BasicTypeTypeCtor? (ref TypeCtor? BasicType delegate Parameters MemberFunctionAttributes)

I really don’t like this because the ref and the parentheses then require each other. As I stated earlier, it was as if (A * B) + C were invalid because the parentheses are redundant. As an example of the opposite approach, Pony Lang has no operator precedence whatsoever, i.e. requires (A * B) + C.

May 17, 2023

On Wednesday, 17 May 2023 at 12:08:41 UTC, Nick Treleaven wrote:


On Saturday, 13 May 2023 at 11:13:59 UTC, Nick Treleaven wrote:


It seems we could add this form to Type for consistency with function literals:

function RefOrAutoRefopt Type ParameterWithAttributes

I implemented my original approach, but some checks don’t work. You might want to look into it. This is the first time I’m working on the compiler. It’s probably some stupid error that I just cannot spot. I’d really appreciate some help with it.

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