September 21, 2023
On Thursday, 21 September 2023 at 11:17:29 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

> A family friend had the exact same thing happen. It was a software change to get them spinning again.

The service center gave me a replacement. It has 12GB VRAM vs the 10GB of the original, so it's turned into a free upgrade. I guess I do get lucky sometimes.
September 21, 2023
On Thursday, 21 September 2023 at 11:58:17 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

> The service center gave me a replacement. It has 12GB VRAM vs the 10GB of the original, so it's turned into a free upgrade. I guess I do get lucky sometimes.

And I'm back in business. The video of Timon's talk is here:

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