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Testing issues related to changes made in phobos locally
4 days ago
Akshat Sharma
3 days ago
Nick Treleaven
3 days ago
Nick Treleaven
4 days ago

I am currently working on a good first issue in the phobos ( . So to work on that I referred to the contribution guide ( .

As per the guide , the workflow should be as follows :-

1.Fork Phobos on GitHub
2.Create your own branch
3.Work locally on your new feature or fix (see the tips below)
4.Test your improvements locally
5.Submit your pull request (PR)

I was able to complete the first 3 steps , after which I installed the DMD compiler (DMD 2.110.0 , windows version) and took care of the environment variables, but facing some issues in the 4th step . As per the contributing guide , To unittest the entire library , we have to run the below given command :

make -j16 -f posix.mak unittest

Unfortunately , it's resulting in the following error :-

$ make -j16 -f posix.mak unittest
posix.mak:1: ===== DEPRECATION NOTICE =====
posix.mak:2: ===== DEPRECATION: posix.mak is deprecated. Please use generic Makefile instead.
posix.mak:3: ==============================
C:/Dev-Cpp/bin/make.exe -f Makefile unittest
Makefile:142: Extraneous text after `else' directive

Makefile:146: *** only one else' per conditional. Stop. make.exe[1]: Entering directory C:/Users/Aman Sharma/Desktop/Dlang_help/phobos'
make.exe[1]: Leaving directory `C:/Users/Aman Sharma/Desktop/Dlang_help/phobos'
C:\Dev-Cpp\bin\make.exe: *** [unittest] Error 2

Would appreciate if someone could offer some help . Or by any chance is this some bug from phobos ?

3 days ago

On Monday, 24 March 2025 at 13:43:26 UTC, Akshat Sharma wrote:


$ make -j16 -f posix.mak unittest
posix.mak:1: ===== DEPRECATION NOTICE =====
posix.mak:2: ===== DEPRECATION: posix.mak is deprecated. Please use generic Makefile instead.
posix.mak:3: ==============================
C:/Dev-Cpp/bin/make.exe -f Makefile unittest
Makefile:142: Extraneous text after `else' directive

Makefile:146: *** only one `else' per conditional. Stop.

See the file header:

# This makefile is designed to be run by gnu make.
# - Windows: you may download a prebuilt zipped .exe from
#   You also need a Git for Windows installation, for bash and common GNU tools like cp,mkdir,mv,rm,touch,which.

The Wiki instructions should probably mention that.

3 days ago

On Tuesday, 25 March 2025 at 17:34:52 UTC, Nick Treleaven wrote:

# This makefile is designed to be run by gnu make.
# - Windows: you may download a prebuilt zipped .exe from
#   You also need a Git for Windows installation, for bash and common GNU tools like cp,mkdir,mv,rm,touch,which.

The Wiki instructions should probably mention that.

I've updated the page with a link to: