Thread overview
Var and fun with same name, link.exe barf.
Jan 27, 2002
Jan Knepper
Jan 27, 2002
January 27, 2002
coff2omf works magic, thanks.
(Why not document it ?)

Now compile is going almost smooth,
but linking time comes...

In the SDL_joystick.c file there is something unusual,
a variable and a function with same name. (ANSI ?)
(gcc and VC do not complain about this)
And the DM linker is complaining about it. (See below)
If i say /NOIGNORECASE, then there is no more complaints,
but is the dll OK ?
Testing the dll thus produced with the vc5 compiled test
programs does no work, except for an OpenGL test...

How about that : OPTLINK : Warning 134: No Start Address What should I do about it?


Jean-Pierre Dumas
OPTLINK (R) for Win32  Release 7.50B1
Copyright (C) Digital Mars 1989 - 2001  All Rights Reserved

Definition File: (.def):.\Release\SDL_joystick.obj(SDL_joystick)  Offset 0016DH
Record Type 0091
 Error 1: Previous Definition Different : _SDL_NumJoysticks
OPTLINK : Warning 134: No Start Address
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'K:\DM\BIN\link.exe' : return code '0x1'

LINK32_FLAGS=snd.lib snn.lib winmm.lib dxguid.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib \
 gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib \
 oleaut32.lib uuid.lib

Uint8 SDL_numjoysticks = 0;                                 <<<<----
SDL_Joystick **SDL_joysticks = NULL;
static SDL_Joystick *default_joystick = NULL;


 * Count the number of joysticks attached to the system
int SDL_NumJoysticks(void)                                  <<<<----
	return SDL_numjoysticks;

January 27, 2002
Check the prototype and the implementation of the function.
If there is no prototype add one or check how it is being invoked.
The two SDL_numjoysticks and SDL_NumJoysticks are different because of the use of
capitals in one. That should not be the problem.

"Jean-Pierre H. Dumas" wrote:

> coff2omf works magic, thanks.
> (Why not document it ?)
> Now compile is going almost smooth,
> but linking time comes...
> In the SDL_joystick.c file there is something unusual,
> a variable and a function with same name. (ANSI ?)
> (gcc and VC do not complain about this)
> And the DM linker is complaining about it. (See below)
> If i say /NOIGNORECASE, then there is no more complaints,
> but is the dll OK ?
> Testing the dll thus produced with the vc5 compiled test
> programs does no work, except for an OpenGL test...
> How about that : OPTLINK : Warning 134: No Start Address What should I do about it?
> Jean-Pierre Dumas
> ====================================================
> OPTLINK (R) for Win32  Release 7.50B1
> Copyright (C) Digital Mars 1989 - 2001  All Rights Reserved
> Definition File: (.def):.\Release\SDL_joystick.obj(SDL_joystick)  Offset 0016DH
> Record Type 0091
>  Error 1: Previous Definition Different : _SDL_NumJoysticks
> OPTLINK : Warning 134: No Start Address
> NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'K:\DM\BIN\link.exe' : return code '0x1'
> Stop.
> =====================================================
> LINK32=link.exe
> LINK32_OUT="$(OUTDIR)\SDL.dll"
> LINK32_FLAGS=snd.lib snn.lib winmm.lib dxguid.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib \
>  gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib \
>  oleaut32.lib uuid.lib
> =====================================================
> ..
> Uint8 SDL_numjoysticks = 0;                                 <<<<----
> SDL_Joystick **SDL_joysticks = NULL;
> static SDL_Joystick *default_joystick = NULL;
> ..
> /*
>  * Count the number of joysticks attached to the system
>  */
> int SDL_NumJoysticks(void)                                  <<<<----
> {
>         return SDL_numjoysticks;
> }
> ..
> =====================================================

January 27, 2002
You have no DllMain(), which you need to generate a working DLL. -Walter

"Jean-Pierre H. Dumas" <> wrote in message news:1103_1012125288@jeanpierre...
> coff2omf works magic, thanks.
> (Why not document it ?)
> Now compile is going almost smooth,
> but linking time comes...
> In the SDL_joystick.c file there is something unusual,
> a variable and a function with same name. (ANSI ?)
> (gcc and VC do not complain about this)
> And the DM linker is complaining about it. (See below)
> If i say /NOIGNORECASE, then there is no more complaints,
> but is the dll OK ?
> Testing the dll thus produced with the vc5 compiled test
> programs does no work, except for an OpenGL test...
> How about that : OPTLINK : Warning 134: No Start Address What should I do about it?
> Jean-Pierre Dumas
> ====================================================
> OPTLINK (R) for Win32  Release 7.50B1
> Copyright (C) Digital Mars 1989 - 2001  All Rights Reserved
> Definition File: (.def):.\Release\SDL_joystick.obj(SDL_joystick)  Offset
> Record Type 0091
>  Error 1: Previous Definition Different : _SDL_NumJoysticks
> OPTLINK : Warning 134: No Start Address
> NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'K:\DM\BIN\link.exe' : return code '0x1'
> Stop.
> =====================================================
> LINK32=link.exe
> LINK32_OUT="$(OUTDIR)\SDL.dll"
> LINK32_FLAGS=snd.lib snn.lib winmm.lib dxguid.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib
>  gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib \
>  oleaut32.lib uuid.lib
> =====================================================
> ..
> Uint8 SDL_numjoysticks = 0;                                 <<<<----
> SDL_Joystick **SDL_joysticks = NULL;
> static SDL_Joystick *default_joystick = NULL;
> ..
> /*
>  * Count the number of joysticks attached to the system
>  */
> int SDL_NumJoysticks(void)                                  <<<<----
> {
> return SDL_numjoysticks;
> }
> ..
> =====================================================