Thread overview
USC Code Metrics
Aug 13, 2001
Mark Evans
Aug 14, 2001
Aug 14, 2001
Jan Knepper
Aug 14, 2001
Mark Evans
August 13, 2001

By private email I'm sending the USC "CodeCount" tool which consists of just a single .c file.  This tool deals with software metrics.

Problem is I can't build the thing.  It compiles and links, but then gives me "can't find DLL" warnings at startup.

It should only take about 60 seconds for you to configure a .mak file properly, and this tool might be useful to other DM users.

I did look at the DM samples for building Win32 consoles.  They are compicated.  Do you have a brain-dead simple console boilerplate?

Best regards,

Mark Evans

August 14, 2001
I don't know what you mean. To build a win32 console app, just use stdio. -Walter

Mark Evans wrote in message <1103_997735761@dphillips>...
>By private email I'm sending the USC "CodeCount" tool which consists of
just a
>single .c file.  This tool deals with software metrics.
>Problem is I can't build the thing.  It compiles and links, but then gives
>"can't find DLL" warnings at startup.
>It should only take about 60 seconds for you to configure a .mak file
properly, and
>this tool might be useful to other DM users.
>I did look at the DM samples for building Win32 consoles.  They are
compicated.  Do
>you have a brain-dead simple console boilerplate?
>Best regards,
>Mark Evans

August 14, 2001
Walter wrote:

> I don't know what you mean. To build a win32 console app, just use stdio. -Walter

<g> I didn't reply for that same reason... I didn't know what he meant either...


August 14, 2001
I mean a "hello, world" example that does not use the IDE with its complicated auto-gen makefiles.  All the DM samples seem to use IDE as a basis.  There should be a few that do not.  IDEs are nice but we want to whip out our own makefiles too.  We need some good samples to do that.

Thanks -


On Mon, 13 Aug 2001 23:00:20 -0400, Jan Knepper <> wrote:
> Walter wrote:
> > I don't know what you mean. To build a win32 console app, just use stdio. -Walter
> <g> I didn't reply for that same reason... I didn't know what he meant either...
> Jan