June 08, 2010
Now that TDPL is well on its way, are there any plans to freeze Phobos in the near future?

(I'm asking because earlier I've proposed some pretty major changes to std.process and std.path, and I'm hoping to get both considered for inclusion before it's too late.)


June 08, 2010
I don't think we need to feature-freeze Phobos. Ideally we'd find some time to work on its known bugs though.


On 06/08/2010 09:24 AM, Lars Tandle Kyllingstad wrote:
> Now that TDPL is well on its way, are there any plans to freeze Phobos in the near future?
> (I'm asking because earlier I've proposed some pretty major changes to std.process and std.path, and I'm hoping to get both considered for inclusion before it's too late.)
> -Lars
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