July 07, 2007
I get an ICE when compiling my ~5000 LOC project with gdc-0.23 (problem occurs also with the dmd-1.018 patch, dmd does not crash):

interner Compiler-Fehler: in dwarf2out_finish, bei dwarf2out.c:14148

("Fehler" is the german word for error, I think you can figure out
"interner" yourself ;-))

As said my project is ~5000 LOC and the error message gives no hint where to start, so I'm sorry I cant provide a minimal example.

It might be of some interest that I'm running a complete (kernel, libs,
binaries) 32 bit environment on a x86_64 (amd64) machine.


GPG Public Key: http://keyserver.ganneff.de:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xDDD6D36D41911851 Fingerprint: 344F 4072 F038 BB9E B35D  E6AB DDD6 D36D 4191 1851
July 07, 2007
I found out, the problem does not seem to occur, when compiling with -O
(the gdmd flag).
Maybe that helps someone who has the same problem.


GPG Public Key: http://keyserver.ganneff.de:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xDDD6D36D41911851 Fingerprint: 344F 4072 F038 BB9E B35D  E6AB DDD6 D36D 4191 1851