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[phobos] phobos commit, revision 1884
Aug 17, 2010
Aug 17, 2010
David Simcha
Aug 17, 2010
Brad Roberts
August 16, 2010
phobos commit, revision 1884

user: dsimcha

Bug 4408:  Ambiguity when using std.algorithm.splitter with generic ranges

August 16, 2010
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August 16, 2010
On 8/16/2010 8:16 PM, David Simcha wrote:
> 3.  Stuff related to static arrays.
> How do we want to handle the static array case, long term?  IMHO stuff in
> std.range and std.algorithm should generally* not *support static arrays because
> in addition to being a PITA to
> implement, since static arrays are usually stack allocated,
> using them as ranges is inherently unsafe.

In your code they might tend to be stack based, but static arrays inside classes is a perfectly valid and frequent enough use case (extrapolating from non-d usage on my part since I've done rather little d coding to date) that I wouldn't rule them out.

I do agree that for the stack case, there's risk of misuse.  For the safe-d subset of the language, that's a problem, but phobos isn't restricted to the subset and so shouldn't go out of its way to make life hard for doing work outside that subset.

That said, I don't think it's a big burden to push the problem to the developer to just take a slice over the static array when passing it to a std.algorithm.

My 2 cents,
August 17, 2010
On 08/16/2010 10:16 PM, David Simcha wrote:
> I think that covers all the known bugs in std.range and std.algorithm, with the following exceptions:
> 1. Enhancement requests, as opposed to "real" bugs.
> 2. Pure documentation issues.
> 3. Stuff related to static arrays.
> 4. Bug 3067, which is really a compiler bug.

This is great work!

> How do we want to handle the static array case, long term? IMHO stuff in std.range and std.algorithm should generally* not *support static arrays because in addition to being a PITA to implement, since static arrays are usually stack allocated, using them as ranges is inherently unsafe.

I agree. Just have people use arr[] instead of arr and call it a day. BTW generally passing arr[] to a function where arr is a static array allocated on the stack is an unsafe operation.
