May 23, 2016
  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Commit: 89a2dd5f11390ff048509749634ab537431876ad
  Author: Sebastian Wilzbach <>
  Date:   2016-05-16 (Mon, 16 May 2016)

  Changed paths:
    M std/algorithm/comparison.d
    M std/algorithm/iteration.d
    M std/algorithm/mutation.d
    M std/algorithm/package.d
    M std/algorithm/searching.d
    M std/algorithm/setops.d
    M std/algorithm/sorting.d
    M std/ascii.d
    M std/bigint.d
    M std/complex.d
    M std/container/array.d
    M std/container/binaryheap.d
    M std/container/dlist.d
    M std/container/package.d
    M std/container/rbtree.d
    M std/container/slist.d
    M std/container/util.d
    M std/digest/hmac.d
    M std/experimental/ndslice/iteration.d
    M std/experimental/ndslice/package.d
    M std/experimental/ndslice/selection.d
    M std/experimental/ndslice/slice.d
    M std/file.d
    M std/format.d
    M std/functional.d
    M std/range/interfaces.d
    M std/range/package.d
    M std/range/primitives.d
    M std/socketstream.d
    M std/string.d
    M std/typetuple.d
    M std/uni.d
    M std/variant.d

  Log Message:
  use mref macro instead of link2

  Commit: 38a637078870d9774bb6153d602f1ecdc1ce3fad
  Author: Vladimir Panteleev <>
  Date:   2016-05-24 (Tue, 24 May 2016)

  Changed paths:
    M std/algorithm/comparison.d
    M std/algorithm/iteration.d
    M std/algorithm/mutation.d
    M std/algorithm/package.d
    M std/algorithm/searching.d
    M std/algorithm/setops.d
    M std/algorithm/sorting.d
    M std/ascii.d
    M std/bigint.d
    M std/complex.d
    M std/container/array.d
    M std/container/binaryheap.d
    M std/container/dlist.d
    M std/container/package.d
    M std/container/rbtree.d
    M std/container/slist.d
    M std/container/util.d
    M std/digest/hmac.d
    M std/experimental/ndslice/iteration.d
    M std/experimental/ndslice/package.d
    M std/experimental/ndslice/selection.d
    M std/experimental/ndslice/slice.d
    M std/file.d
    M std/format.d
    M std/functional.d
    M std/range/interfaces.d
    M std/range/package.d
    M std/range/primitives.d
    M std/socketstream.d
    M std/string.d
    M std/typetuple.d
    M std/uni.d
    M std/variant.d

  Log Message:
  Merge pull request #4303 from wilzbach/mref_phobos

use mref macro instead of link2
